What are the three smartest breeds of dogs in order of intelligence?
Correct answer: Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd

many people underestimate Poodles

I never knew poodles were so intelligent. that surprises me very much

These are just dog breeds who’s general intelligence is acknowledged. Of course other breeds are smart, but these are say easier to train and therefore we consider smarter. I think in the end, all dogs just want their treat.

noob saibot
Surely that's somewhat subjective?

Give me a GSD any day. I have had all dogs listed above and my GSD was the smartest dog I have been owned by.

Longarms, tools are an exceptionally smart dog. they are so smart in fact one of them learned to speak English. Here's what he said please stop cutting my hair like this

I had labrador retrievers growing up...they were very intelligent imo

At two different points in my life, owned both a German Shepherd and a standard poodle. Both were fantastic, and much loved members of the family... still missed to this day, no others like those two

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
DarkMatter19870228, Japanese akita. one of mine could clearly say hello the other more uwoo ha ha. both understood verbal and signed commands. fed them with a puzzle ball. to keep them entertained. would test the garden fences looking for weak spots

Nearlyfit, crossbreeds are also much underestimated. I had a Collie cross rescue dog. Coloring of a Collie but short haired and a little smaller. Never did find out what he was crossed with but he was the cleverest dog I've ever known.

ALL dogs are smart ♥️Just like ALL dogs go to heaven!

"In order of intelligence" should logically be lesser to greater, increasing in intelligence. This wants the order to be from greater to lesser. Not sensible.

This question has rather subjective answers. Where are the references to official tests and why only AKC breeds? But I my opinion, Border Collies are incredibly smart and probably deserve top billing.

Gunnar Gunderson
Nearlyfit, Within poodles collectively are standards smarter than smaller sized ones?

Both Rottweilers and Corgis are extremely intelligent breeds. Easily trainable as well as independent thinkers. Recommend them highly!

Cat Dad
I find it strange that the Catahoula was not even mentioned in this

I would love to have a border collie, but I live in the US South and it's too hot for them here, imo.

Player #50543730
#1DallasCowboysfan4 , Same here. GSD are my breed they are the best!!! I have had GSD my entire life and I just love them so much!!!

I had a boxer who knew when it was Saturday!

#1DallasCowboysfan4 , Do you mean GSP, German Shorthair Pointer ?

Longarms, you can google poodles that went with Napoleon's armies. Especially "Moustache".

Nearlyfit, I am guilty of this! Sorry Frenchy, now fetch the slippers!

Our Weimaraners might beg to differ. They tick all of the boxes

my dachshund is smart....and stubborn!

Player #15898916
i can understand the point but this is seriously almost an opinion question,dogs are smart and all breeds can be trained,smartest dogs in my OPINION wasnt even listed that being Rottweiler

JezzerLX, that is a totally wrong statement. I have had toys and miniatures for years.... very very smart

Dianna Bella74
poodles are the coolest.

ZyggyStardust, I've had a few dumb labs. lol