As of February 2018, who holds the record for the men's indoor long jump?
Correct answer: Carl Lewis

Why can't people be nice? Carl Lewis is a hero. In his prime, the perfect physical specimen. Let's celebrate. We are all human together.

wow and still held today.

Player #128057, is it so hard to accept that some people have actually got of their bavksides and worked darn hard to achieve something. Make sure you can back up your allagations with fact because one day you will get done for slander - the legal term for spreading lies

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Miancee22, because the game does not properly display emojis. Instead that notation is the way that computers encode the emoji - anything starting with the ampersand and ending in semicolon should be parsed to see if it can be decoded, whilst the number between (e.g. #128077) is the code for the specific character.

WaldoLydeker, Do! Well said. I wish I could "like" it twice?

Player #8096956
Player #9398981, this is the indoor record. Powell does hold the outdoor record.

Can anyone please tell me why there are &# then numbers after my previous post?

Amazing!! So proud of him and I don't even know him. What an outstanding bunch of numbers. Go Carl 👍👍👍

Redeemed Mr. V