In the TV series "M*A*S*H",when Radar went home after his Uncle Ed died, what did he leave on Hawkeye's cot?
Correct answer: His Teddy Bear

One of the greatest series of all time!

Radar got his nickname because he knew something was needed or was going to happen before it did. He anticipated what would happen in advance and was ready for it. They should have used him in planning battles instead of in a clerk in a Colonels office.

I loved that show

Great show!

Player #560336
Daybonn, in real life Gary Berghoff had a deformity to one of his hands and it was never shown. It was in his pocket, or he was holding something.

Suiren, I loved that show too! I have watched the reruns over and over. It really made you think how horrifying that war had to be. Then and now! I have so much respect for our soldiers, both fighting or fallen.

Suzy Z
One of my favorite shows I still watch reruns

I had a crush on Hawkeye

Nina Marie
Daybonn, Called him "Radar" because he could hear the choppers full of incoming wounded soldiers before anybody else. Just sayin....

Great show. I've enjoyed watching reruns.

RushMama2112, RUSH is my all time favorite!!!

Gary Burghoff, was a celebrity player on Match Game. he was very good on it. May he rest in peace.

my brother worked as a nurse in a MASH unit in Vietnam. When he saw the movie he said it was very much like the one he was in.

There was a different Mulcahy in the Pilot, also the actor who portrayed General Hammond was also reprised from the Movie, albeit for just a few episodes in the first season.

Wannabe Vulcan
Nina Marie, there were also times he'd anticipate what Henry or Potter was about to say.

Wannabe Vulcan
StrangeBeam35510, and for the combat medics who have to deal with the aftermath.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #560336, I never would have guessed that, given how good a drummer he was.

I was in college when the Farewell episode of MASH occurred. The TV room was so crowded as everyone wanted to watch it. Some camped out for hours to secure their seat. I’ll never forget the silence at the end and tears on our cheeks.

JimmyLovesQL, Sorry. Sherman T. Potter was one of my favorite on the show.

Player #32004451, I knew a nurse the served in a M*A*S*H unit in Europe during WWII. She was my heroine.

Love the series. Can see it on Me tv in DFW Texas

Player #35387966
You know that MASH was one best TV programming experiences ever. The farewell episode was just moving.

the best show ever!!

PsycoCavr88, George Morgan was the priest in the pilot

Player #560336, except in the pilot


Didn't Charles "William Christoper " come on the show later ❓

Player #560336, Knew this. It was interesting to see him on the original Match Game and how he always held his answer card in a way to shield it...

Player #32004451
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital !!!!

Tur D'ferguson
JimmyLovesQL, Stephenson left because he thought his star was brighter than it was. "Hello Larry" was horrible. I think he (MS) admitted as much.

wharfrat57, indeed

Player #16516447
He left the teddy bear,,, saying in a way he was a man now.

No disrespect to Harry Morgan but McLean Stevenson never should have left.

Player #8304530
wharfrat57, my all time favorite too

Player Darius
Player Cosmo Chic, He became a senator from my state of Iowa after he left the show

Daybonn, hehe I just watched the episode tonight where Colonel Potter asks why they call him Radar. And that is just how he answered