In which part of the body would you suffer carpal tunnel syndrome?
Correct answer: Wrist

If I don't stop playing this game so much, I'm afraid I could get this!

Good to read all that since I broke my wrist in August, I've had carpel tunnel and finally having surgery on the 17th of December. The surgeon doesn't explain it as well as here. Thanks!

Player #197677
wrists... that's where the carpal tunnel is located.

AmazingCop2962, I had it in both hands and I had the release surgery's done. Thirty five years later I'm writing this. Need I say more?

OptimisticFrog17914, I had my done 25 years ago still no problem thank God

I suffer terribly from this, and whilst the carpal tunnel is in the wrist, the effects are felt in the hands. I get terrible numbness in my index and second fingers, and often wake up in the night with pain. I also have other injuries causing pain, so not sure really what wakes me up, but I know I feel intense pain during the night.

Had both my wrists done at the same time was able to help myself by day 3. I had
an excellent orthopedic surgeon.

BeagleMum, If there is any way possible to have the surgery, get it done. The recovery for each hand is 6 weeks but so entirely worth it. I had both wrists done 7 years ago and not one problem since.

I knew several people who had carpal tunnel and though it was from using their wrists too much.

I have this I have had an injection and it did help but do have it in the other wrist now

Just had surgery 12/22/2023 with trigger finger release. Feels better already

I've had it on both hands, thankfully surgery helped!

I wonder why night-time is often a factor in many medical cases. There must be changes in our physiology at such times.

between elbow and wrist

Thought it is worth mentioning that for some amazing reason it is also a condition brought on by pregnancy, ie change in hormone levels. I had to use a wrist splint while pregnant and as soon as my daughter was born the pain started to subside and then it vanished completely a few days later.

unfortunately knew this one from experience...

My mom had corporal tunnel in both her hands. She had to have surgery on them.

the cooler music
this so anfair

I put off having surgery on both wrists for over 20 years. Almost everyone that I spoke to said that it didn't help. My surgeries six years ago were very successful. So happy to be rid of the numbness and pain.

Player #15947615
Debbie, I had keyhole surgery done on both wrists in 2007. I was able to look after myself by the following day. One week later I was back at work. Don't be scared. Get it done.

maxandleasmama, I need it done I’m both wrists. Thanks for the info. It helps. I was debating and really didn’t want to have surgery but it’s only gotten worse and I need to stop being afraid. Haha

Imagine suddenly feeling pain in you're wrist. 😣😬

Robert passey
Swtcactus, I agree this definitely is a brilliant sight for explaining better

Boys get it way more than girls.

I have carpal tunnel syndrome on both wrists plus I have arthritis on both hands so there are days where both my wrists & hands hurt so bad

There is also surgery that can help but not always as I had my right hand done but not my left as it did not work for me

Guillermo Jr.
Crapal Tunnel syndrome is an entirely different ailment

yes this I have from working in the factory for 25 years.

Player #40847101
BeagleMum, good

this picture didn't look like her wrist was the problem 🤣

I had CTS & was scheduled for surgery. Then I went to a chiropractor who massaged near the base of the thumb & the shoulder/neck area. Lo & behold, I no longer needed the surgery! Now, if I feel it starting up again, I massage those spots & it eases the problem 😄

TJ SISTER, it can be, but also often affects the hands. I couldn't hold a pen or coffee cup & got shooting pains right up to my elbow! Brutal!

Ani Veleva
I had it in both of my hands ! Stated gradually post pregnancy and within a year I couldn’t get any rest at night ! Had operations done both hands last year still recovering

I remember getting CTS when I was pregnant, they said it was because I wasn't getting enough fluids. wild.

Player #32821633
i had this and can take 3x iv sad
Player #31330427
I know it coz I've suffered from it for many years on both hands I've had surgery on the right hand which helped a little bit

I suffered very bad from carpal tunnel in both wrists but with the help of an Osteopath got rid of it with out an operation.

I thought it was right between your wrist an up to your elbows. Hmmm.... 🤔