Which actor plays Cher's son in the movie "Mask"?
Correct answer: Eric Stoltz

So far 100% of players knew the answer. Hard to watch but great performances.

Another great movie but I bawled like a baby when he died! 😭

Great movie. Wonderful acting. Agree, so sad

Mama Crow
Knowing the end of a movie before I've seen it doesn't bother me. For me, it's all about the journey. How many of us enjoy watching certain movies over and over again just to relive the experience?

Eric Stoltz was excellent in Mask it was a great movie i cried like a baby when Rocky died😣

Player #3319982
a brave young man, great mum

GrandmaTanya, so did I. Love MASK, though! One of my favorite movies.

Coconut Mango
This film taught me not to judge a book by its cover. Also, I'd never heard of this medical condition before.

sad, human, and real. the players in this work of art express the best state of their craft.

That movie was good; so sad at the end.😓

I like Eric and Cher in this Movie. Eric is underrated. Hope he gets to act again.

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, that was a great movie

Cat Mom
Soleil10001, I missed it

Nerak 7
I think Eric and Cher should team again for another movie….

one of the best movies ever

Player #111544830
Coconut Mango, I was ALWAYS every piece of trashes whipping boy, the odd man out and the underdog, so I NEVER passed judgement on anyone until I grew up and now it's revenge time👍👍

Mars V
Jim Carey was so good in that!

I love this movie I kinda relate to it because I have a disability and I grew up around a lot of bikers also Sam Elliott is so hawt omg I could listen to him talk all day long and the way it ended was so sad and I'm pretty sure that Rocky's mom has died too now so sad😭

Soleil10001, I didn’t see that show and I guess it wrong, so 100% did not know,,I never heard of Chers son or his name, but it sounds like he is talented like his mom,,

I loved this movie, it was so sad at the end though 😢.

85 Bear
The saddest part in the movie for me was when his best friend Ben told Rocky he was moving away and they wouldn't be able to motocross all over Europe. Rocky was absolutely heartbroken, I felt his pain.

I have never heard of that movie. I will try to find it online.

JDoe555, didn't know this. Fun fact!

Player #44058464
Dunn4, I believe the bars that go across each response is a measure of how many knew it. It is the same thing you get when you press the majority vote hint. Soleeil0001 was viewing the question early on. It is no longer 100%.

I went to high school with a wonderful guy that suffers with this disease. he is one of the greatest guy that I know!

BBL I had a high-school friend that had a form of this and he had to frequently have tumor growth removed. very wonder guy--honestly!

I love that movie it's my favorite Cher & Sam Elliott were so great

Soleil10001, how can you see how many people get a question correct?

Player #15344885
Michael Westmore did the make up

Soleil10001, where do you find the stats?

Player #28039290
it was sad brought tears to my eyes

Player #18954642
I hate how his girlfriend parents treated him. That was sad to watch especially when he feel a way already and the fact they were both hurt by her parents coming in between them. She felt his face and knew it wasn't normal but she didn't care.

Mama Crow, one of my favorite movies. One of those, I have seen many times, and never tire of it.

Player #26129643
This movie was a reintroduction of Cher after she had disappeared from the public eye for years. I remember it well because we hosted an event for Cher to promote the movie (Cher was excellent and kind in person).

Sharon Earley Cates
This picture of Cher is from Moonstruck, not Mask, FYI.

Player #29188865
GrandmaTanya, me too! I was 9 or 10!

very touching film.. Laura Dern played his girlfriend.. she was great

An the Oscars goes to.... drum role please... EVERY BODY!! 💜 What a great movie an yes, I have that one also. It's definitely a keeper on my list of Chers movie's. I dig Sam Elliott also...

beautiful movie! mother love!!

Fun Fact: Eric was the original actor to play Marty McFly in Back to the Future and shot several scenes. The actor played the role a little too seriously, however, and when Michael J Fox became available again after wrapping up filming of "Family Ties," the director jumped at the chance to work with him as he was their first choice. :)