Which part of the human body is affected by lordosis?
Correct answer: Spine

Player BlueDragon
Answer as given is confusing and some comments increase that confusion. There is a normal amount of lordosis present in cervical and lumbar regions. Any additional curvature beyond what is considered normal and physiological is also called a lordosis but hyperlordotic curve might be a more accurate term. People who lack the normal.amount of lordosis have painful symptoms and often gait abnormalities.

UnopposedExpert34755, I agree that the explanation causes more confusion than clarity. Lordosis is an over-pronounced sway of what should be a normal curvature of the spine just above the tailbone. Otherwise known as "swayback". In other words bug, not feature.

Player #2355643
PointyDormouse60089, I had heard of this, but never had a check in school or the doctor; and my lower back curves with scoliosis to the left like a banana into my hip. Could have attempted to fix if caught early.

Just to confuse people some more, female animals will "present lordosis" when they wish to mate by sticking their rears in the air. A female human who walks with her breasts thrust forward and rear thrust back would also be said to be presenting lordosis by exaggerating the curve of her spine.

The neck is part of the spine, lordosis is the name of normal curve for the lumbar and cervical (neck) spine so therefore wouldn't be "affected" by it.

Player #2123781
Player vjl, my son had this, he had the surgery to fix it, but he always looked so uncomfortable, his back had titanium rods and almost his entire back was fused. He had very little range of motion, if any

Player Scandali
UnopposedExpert34755, It's a condition of the spine kind of the opposite of scoliosis

Player BlueDragon, Thanks for the clarification.

I had this condition, but with regular practice of pelvic retroversion it corrected itself. What a relief!

Player #43287856, Im sorry you have that painful condition

Thanks, Herman Wouk! 😆

I thought Lordosis was the name given to the position that a female cat assumes whilst in heat.

i was verry confused about the anser

I like it because it was hard for me

Player #2123781, "had"? Has he passed on? If so my condolences.

they need voxx socks and insoles! Google it!

wheeldon DLT
is that why my girlfriend has a sticky out rear ?