Brussels is the capital of which European nation?
Correct answer: Belgium

Player C’est Moi
Belgium....waffles, chocolate and beer. What else does one need?

Gary, I met a man who was from Brussels. 6'2" and full of muscles.

PlayerD2, Did you smile and give him a vegamite sandwich??

I knew that one. My grandmother's from Brussels.

Miss Poth
Knew this from BREXIT lol 😂

Player #14993519.
Gary, ,,I eat Brussels. They sprout,,lol

Ibnu Jaafar
I came from the land down under...

I spent two days in Brussels about 25 years ago, and it was one of the prettiest, cleanest cities I've ever visited.

little b
I've not been to Belgium

Hunger Knowledge
The Home 🏡 of Jean-Claude Van Damme "The Muscles From Brussels"

Cat Mom
KILLean17, no, the man smiled and gave him a vegamite(spelled?) sandwich

Cat Mom
How does it have a population of 1.2 million & the metropolitan area has 2.1 million? Obviously, I'm confused

Gazman_Melb, I am from Antwerp

Player 101
Charlene , if you hate it 😡then delete it, duh

I hate the game 😡

Lady of the Lake
Hate it when I know the answer but hit the wrong button 🤦♀️

Republic of Taiwan
Paris is capital of France
Madrid is capital of Spain
Rome is capital of Italy

kinda obvious i guess? I'm half Belgium so i knew. Gotta say Belgium is beautiful! of bad experiences... only two, not that bad either i think. Everyone is extremely kind and polite

Player #8604228
I knew Brussels have beautiful university ♥️

Player C’est Moi, the good weather.

Player #48927977
Scotti, not anymore my friend... Brussels is different today.

Player #12215757
PlayerD2, are you sure he wasn't full of mussels? 😂😂

aviya &niek
Player C’est Moi, amen to that

Player #13023389
I needed a hint but as soon as the answer came up I knew I was right. Debby

Player C’est Moi, sprouts!

bertil #30740738
i know this bcuz of justin degryse😂🤣

Granii Jan
Loved the lacework, the museums and the food. Not so much the Gypsy’s begging though.

Nanay Irma
this is hard. i got no more lives 😭

I spent a week in Brussels many years ago

the waffles are good to.

Easy question and repeated too.. 😎

luna star lovely
I. don't know what is. answer. but I. remember the. answer

Ur Advertising is very annoying 😠

When I was there in the 80s, Brussels reminded me of an older, smaller, cleaner San Francisco.

* Seshati *
Knodel1966, well looking at history that is not just an Irish independence thing. Seen too many times to count from all sides no matter what side of the fence you’re on .. it’s always someone’s fault. So I hear it said.