What caused the collapse of The Colossus of Rhodes in 224 AD?
Correct answer: Earthquake

Such a shame they weren't preserved as historical artifacts.

Big Blue Champs
I’ve been to Rhodes . One of the best places on the planet..

Gary, I agree with you. My experiences have left me knowing that my God in Heaven is real. Just because one doesn't believe in a thing doesn't mean it's not real! I am a Scientist and I know God is real!

Player #25874027
Player #22589265, Dates given as BC or BCE are counted down to 0 , at which point they become AD or CE.
The BC is Before Christ . BCE is Before the Common Era .
AD is Anno Domini which translates as In the Year of the Lord . Which is a Christian way of looking at it . The rest of the world may use CE or Common Era . This uses the same number but reflects the fact that the Chinese,Indians , Japanese , Muslims among others, have their own calendar which has a different year number.

So many irrelevant comments about God, the Bible.

Player #1725966
Player #1154062, a mythology belongs to common knowledge. Not everyone has to have it, and not everyone has to know about the "real" gods.

The dates are correct, am surprised at the confusion. BC(E) is before Christ / Before Common Era, and AD/CE are the Common Era.

there is talk in Rhodes that they are going to erect a new statue in it place

Paul Steadman
Player #23514521, The comparison with air is strange. We know air is there we can feel it. You can have faith in a god and I will respect that but you cannot prove his/her existence.

to player 1154062 there are no real gods they are all fictitious and created by man.

Paul Steadman
Alfonso B Ebanks..., Well done for spotting this. Why do you have two thumbs down! What is wrong with this comment!

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I’m a Christian & I wish I could meet you, being s scientist. I have questions about the bible. Some of it doesn’t make scientific sense. 😎

Player #2512936
Player #22589265, The BC years are counted opposite The AD years. That is similar to negative Numbers. You should Check Out a time Line with both BC and AD years on it

Clay M
Typo in question: should be BC not AD.

Alfonso B Ebanks..., BC

Alfonso B Ebanks...
Player #3748832, is it 224 BC or 224 AD?