Before he became Roy Roger's horse, "Trigger," in which feature film did he appear?
Correct answer: 'The Adventures of Robin Hood'

Roy should have stuck to keeping a picture, stuffing Trigger too weird

DancinQueen, At least he didn't have Dale stuffed too.

nonotthatthis5, don't worry, honey, just because Roy never bothered to register him as a stud does not mean he was deprived of female companionship.

Player #232176
mjmlaw, Roy Rogers often visited the museum, but would never look at Trigger. it was too painful for him. he truly loved his horse.

Player #9113963
Roy Rogers preferred the correct word 'mounted' not stuffed.

Figured out of all the choices "Robin Hood" had the horses.

DancinQueen, i could never stuff a animal i call a pet that i loved! i wouldn't b able 2 see it!

Good question!

papab, Bullet was also mounted

Player #43223203
So,ya stuffing anything is weird ,but when love doesn't have boundaries in the heart and mind it gets a bit creepy

Player #23207465
still watch Roy Rogers

Player #5100533
Player SQinfoNUTS, It is a female, that has been mare-eed. Now just "cold blooded".

Big Daddy from Cinci
Player #10793533, he already did

Griz, hmmm Roy died before Dale...check your facts before you fib

Player SQinfoNUTS, I believe it's a horse that either isn't a thoroughbred or is a mixed breed (grade).

littleRhody625, actually stuffing is not correct. After an animal dies their skin is removed and stretched over a plastic mannequin. It's all pretty gruesome.

Player SQinfoNUTS
my goodness. What is a cold blood mare?

papab, he sadly was also stuffed 😪

mjmlaw, museum and contents recently auctioned by family.

and what about his dog bullet

Player #811114
Wow, 15 hands isn't very big, he always seemed so much larger on screen!

Player #1443092
I never seen the movie and I never knew that the horse was even in that movie I always thought that he was in westerns with Roy Rogers