Who was the God of the ancient Hebrews?

Correct answer: Yahweh

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #1137636
Player #1137636
Ha! Got that one right (in under 1 second) even though I'm a heathen!!!
Player #1137636, same. knew all those other names as well. I find the plural forms to be interesting.
Player #4383989, 'Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will never pass away.' Jesus Christ He wins who sides with God
Player #4383989
Player #4383989
Quiz77, LORD is Yahweh or Jehovah as translated in most Bibles. lord is a term of respect as when Sarah calls Abraham lord. most times, the disciples called Jesus lord, but Thomas, after seeing the wounds of Jesus after the crucifixion, called him my LORD and my God. recognizing Jesus as Good in the flesh
Player #2916162
Player #2916162
Player Mz. Peggy, very good ma peggy
Player #112358
Player #112358
Well done ! Respect
Was LORD for God and Lord for Jesus?