Who was the first Vice President of the United States?
Correct answer: John Adams

Player #1774982
InexcusableTreat, Watch the HBO miniseries John Adams. Fabulous acting and amazing sets

Shelby Carpenter
Among the first 10 Presidents, all owned slaves, save two: John and his son - a noble family.

slavery has been an issue throughout the history of mankind...still to this day. Might not be legal but still exists in one form or another

Heartland Old Guy
VauntedLord9065, NO! US citizens ! YES! Something you get in a US history course, like I had in 6th or 7th grade.Others only if interested in US history.

TQOP24, No,he and his wife hired Former slaves and paid them.

John Adams is my favorite Founding Father.

great information

Sparty Cyclone
I respect Adams most for stepping down after losing the election of 1800 to Jefferson. We may take it for granted today, but it was quite a radical idea to voluntarily relinquish power in a peaceful transition. I hope this tradition continues in 2020!

Uninitialized, It is very much in existence in several parts of the world as both physical slavery and mental slavery.

While they were campaigning Jefferson and Adam's had bitter feelings toward each other, but ironically they both died on the same day. And buried the hatchet.

Player #92723922
"1776" was a Broadway musical and later a movie. One of my favorites.

Player #120374466
Uninitialized, Yeah, tear the pyramids down! They were built by slaves.

is there a way we can see our comments and replies?

VauntedLord9065, YES