What is the name of the island in the 1975 film, "Jaws"?
Correct answer: Amity

The scene where Robert Shaw told his story of being aboard the USS Indianapolis when it was torpedoed very chilling

Love those Movies!

Montana Lady
SneakyMole92698., it's a actual fact that if you live in the US you are more likely to be killed by a cow.

linkstamer, yes and i was a little girl when that came out and didnt know at the time until later as an adult that my cousin Robert Minjarez died on that ship or should i say from the sharks attack. i pray for him all the time and his brother my other cousin Rueben who died and is still in the USS Arizona. very sad for my family.

Remember don't go in the water ha ha!

Delenaani The Priest
SneakyMole92698., dont worry even Peter Benchley who wrote Jaws regretted his portrayal of sharks .

Fun fact: Jaws is based on a true event that happened on the East, south shore of Long Island, NY in 1964

Player #9442102
Player #5100533, the ocean is where sharks live. if people want swim or surf in the ocean then they need to know it can be dangerous.

I m still watching Jaws when it appears on TV, cable or Netflix.

favorite movie!!!!

Mars V
linkstamer, He tried to do that scene drunk and completely failed.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Please accept my sincere condolences. I’ll pray for you.

AppleA815, no... it was inspired by a 1916 event in NJ.

I personally new an hung out, back before the movie came out, with the person who made the mechanical jaws. Buzz was her nic name. She an her husband did that shark. She was a cool art teacher from ft. worth tx. an I'll never forget her. Great movie too an great work on that shark! 😀

Player #24778904
I absolutely love these movies. We are going to need a bigger boat

SneakyMole92698., I love sharks although if I get to close I scream like a baby.

Player #2331803
"The kids are out in the yard. Playing next to the Car."

never seen a jaws movie but got it right. woo hoo.

Player #54601
Love the movies....and the books. Even though they are pretty much different stories. The fact that it is a picture of a mako on the cov3wr is just funny.

I wrote it

same here

Player #5100533
HipRider94798, I live in Florida, & I was shocked so much by that movie, I didn't go to the Beach, for a swim, for 2 or 3 years.. However, an interesting fact: Scientists actually tagged a Great White shark in the New England area, & it spent 3 months off of Jacksonville's beach. So, I WAS RIGHT.

HipRider94798, This movie is the exact reason my father never went in the water.


When I was little my parents took us to Florida and to see the movie "Jaws"... and later on took us out in the boat in the Gulf of Mexico. I just knew we were going to be eaten by a 🦈 shark! I was so young that that movie scared me to death.

I'm tired and I wanna go to bed, boom boom boom, I had me a drink about an hour ago and it went right to my head... 🎵🎵🎵

HarleyMidgeyMom95., I feel so sad for you. I lost two uncles in WW2, one in France and one on the Changi railway.

Montana Lady, Statistically, you are more likely to be killed taking a "selfie"

the movie was loosely based on a true story

VelourBanjoPlayer141, that line was improvised. Spielberg liked it and kept it in the movie.

linkstamer, That scene made me go look up information on the Indianapolis. Horrible story worth checking out!

Player Ejag
But, Robert Shaw stole the movie!😉

Player Ejag
Loved Roy Scheider’s character.

WaldoLydeker, the orca

linkstamer, you’re right ! It’s a very dramatic scene en he was great at it !

What was the name of Quint's boat?

"As you know, Amity means friendship"