In architecture, where would you find a chancel?
Correct answer: Church

* Seshati *
For those interested .. I was wondering if there was a connection between the words chancel & chancellor so I looked online at the etymology word definitions & found this. “chancellor:
early 12c., from Old French chancelier (12c.), from Late Latin cancellarius "keeper of the barrier, secretary, usher of a law court," so called because he worked behind a lattice (Latin cancellus) at a basilica or law court chancel.
c. 1300, "enclosed space in a church around the altar," from Old French chancel, from Late Latin cancellus "lattice," from Latin cancelli (plural) "grating, bars"; extended in Late Latin from the lattice-work that separated the choir from the nave in a church to the space itself”. I love finding out more about words & history, that’s why this is my fav game :D

Rockin' Robot
Very interesting, love learning new things! 👍

wow. didn't know that. cool

I wonder why East is the preferred direction? Rising sun?

Seshati, thank you for sharing your research