In the Disney film 'Dumbo', what kind of animal is Dumbo's friend Timothy?
Correct answer: Mouse

My most favorite childhood movie! Disney always added a little adversity for his main characters to overcome. Good lessons for the kiddos!

Heartland Old Guy
nimblemoon, wow, muscles must say some really hardcore stuff. By the time I to the questions, its already taken off. I'm guessing there is some really heavy obscenities invloved for it it be taken off.

Would it absolutely kill you to say something nice?

I'm tired of all the remakes. Leave the classics alone.

knew this question remember this movie like i watched it yesterday

I loved the CROWS

nimblemoon, i loved this movie too and makes me cry Everytime i see it.

Nemsco, what’s the different between a rat and a mouse?

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
my best favourite beautiful lovely movie. nicely movies great movie. children story love story friendship me story

This was one of my favorite movies while growing up. It was the story of one adorable little baby elephant and his best buddy tiny mouse

Is it weird that I had to guess this? I got the answer right, though

just took a shot at the first answer without really reading the others and BANG

Procy Mulato
Nemsco, heheh same and i git wrong answer too HAHAHA

Player #25874027
KILLean17, I think sometimes players stop playing and then comments are taken down

Player #25874027
aphrodite ;),
This is a quiz game , it’s played by reading questions and providing answers. Not by reading answers and making up your own questions.
The mouse Timothy is Dumbos friend .

I love this cartoon . this is the famous cartoon in world

What's the difference between a rat and a mouse?

All star 5
I love it sometimes we need a fancy

Player #19474516
Taramaiden, They learn that fast enough ...

very nice movie 👌👌

aphrodite ;)
Dumbo reale a mouse lol? Its elephant right

Heartland Old Guy, not necessarily... MANY comments are removed!
I don't know if they time-out or are censored.

Heartland Old Guy, no not necessarily. Although that does seem to be an inordinate amount of fussing and fighting. So I'm going back to my original suggestion before playing the game take some Xanax.

Edward Brophy, 1930's character actor was Timothy's voice. You'd recognize it in his films like "The Thin Man" because he wasn't like Mel Blanc. He only had one voice, his own.

One of the greatest movies ever made!
Look out, look out, pink elephants on parade!!

Player #1660573
yeah man