In which city did the 2016 Olympics Games take place?

Correct answer: Rio de Janeiro

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
303RPB, I respectfully disagree. In my experience (gained from living on 3 continents & traveling to around 40 different countries) I've found the vast majority of people on our planet are decent, friendly and willing to go well out of their way to help a complete stranger. However, the 'Golden Rule' also holds true - treat everyone with respect and you will find decent people everywhere. Treat people with suspicion and they will wonder what you're hiding.
dollis1963, winter games were in Russia, for a moment I was confused.
My cousin watched the games! She has some beautiful pictures in Copacabana. We were all worried with her because Rio is what gives Brazil the rep of being violent and dangerous but she was fine, they probably increased security for the games.
thank you plague inc. for giving me that info
Player #4586042
Player #4586042
Player #904280, What does his race matter?