How much dirt does the average person eat in their lifetime?
Correct answer: 6 Pounds

Who did that study! Who needs to know how much dirt do we eat... Thanks 😬

jennyzim, think you're right in that, it helps lower the amount of allergies, especially when young. Let kids be kids & play in dirt. The only sad part is there is not so much soil free from pesticides, herbicides, and man made fertilizers these days. Hence it's best to go organic where possible.

I'm more concerned about the eight spiders that we allegedly eat in our sleep!

Thidar Aung (Dolly)
it's too much

Player #38618593, I looked for a peck as a choice!

I believe the microorganisms found in healthy dirt (that is, dirt not full of pesticides and herbicides) are actually very beneficial to us in the tiny quantities you might get on freshly picked vegetables.

Republic of China
Arohanui, United States, Myanmar and Liberia are the only countries in the world to use the Imperial System instead of Metric System worldwide.

Player #38618593
I always heard that we eat a "peck" (less than a bushel) of dirt in our lifetime. But I don't know how big a peck is, and anyway, this was a weight question, not volume. So I had no idea, took a guess, got it wrong. ☹

🤷ah well it all comes out again

around 400 million uses pound.