Where did the battle of Hamburger Hill take place?
Correct answer: Vietnam

3/5 Black Knight
Little strategic value, abandoned soon after, is it any wonder that this was around the time that the troops were turned off from the war and turned onto drugs. I speak from experience.

Mrs B
elizabeth bennett, Never agreed with the war but was so proud of every single American who went when called. That defines a hero.

Player #20855529
3/5 Black Knight, actually occurred in '68, when LBJ's micro-management and ceasing the bombing of North Viet Nam. I also speak from experience.

3/5 Black Knight, Thank you all for your service. You answered the call despite the government's poor judgement. We are still dealing with this problem over 50 years later. The tolls of war always exceed the greedy's spoils. Bless you.

And yet, wars continue. Sacrifice of life for one's country. My love returned from Vietnam and hid his torment inside until he ended his life...

Sadly, not the moon landing but Vietnam is what I remember Walter Cronkite for, from my childhood...

dan d, Good God y'all