Which TV series is set in the fictional continent of "Westeros"?
Correct answer: Game of Thrones

Best show of all time!!!

I'm one of the few, who have never watched an episode of Game of Thrones.

Season 8 coming

Good show until the end. Then, the writers destroyed it. Ruined the whole series for me. Oh well.

Montana Lady
I read the first book in 1999, I've waited 20 YEARS to finally have an end to the flipping story!!!
It won't be the same ending as George R.R. Martin intended but who knows, maybe hell will freeze over and he'll finish writing them too... I'm done holding my breath though!

BigGravyMotha, Ho'dor, the whole time was Hold the door, that was sad.

worst ending ever

winter is coming

Sloth mama
April 14th is coming.

Player #2611777
All I have to say is “ Hodor” :)

Got the question right, but never watched it. Process of elimination.

Spook, I'm with you also. Baby boomer. Didn't know what Woodstock was all about. No interest in Game of Thrones. Mostly interested in family.

Player #137542988
Chad, It’s definitely worth watching!

pickled beets 9009
never ever gonna get that question as never ever watched game of thrones in my life

Chad, I've never seen it either. But then, I'm one of the few Baby Boomers who can shamelessly admit I wasn't at Woodstock in the summer of '69.

My family would all sit on the couch and watch every week to see what would happen. I love kit Harrington.and Emelia Clarke. Excellent actors were in it.

It cant be credited to me, can it?

Shane, I didn't like the ending!
I read the whole series before watching the shows!
George Martin should have written the last book, because the writers and directors for the last season did a pretty hacked rush job on it, ruining the story and leaving way took many hanging questions about the fates of the survivors!

Finally a trivia question about a show that is up to date. I swear 90% of the other questions are about shows and actors are from 1970 and before.

Chad, I'm with you, Quizzland brother. This is the most I ever knew of it. I just don't have the attention span to track all of that. I am 53 now, but never watched soap operas or Friends or several of the other very popular shows either.

Chad, Me too, but amazingly I got it right. No idea, Nada. A question for those under 20, I suppose.

idk this TV show so I think I gotta go watch it I guess?????

Chad, ,,i have never seen that show, had to guess the answer, I don’t like that type of stuff..from what I have heard.

Chad, I have never watched it, either, and never intend to!

That show was so good

Game of thrones is still and always be my favorite series. Now with “House of the Dragon” it’s getting even better !

I haven't watched the final season yet. should I? or is it a disappointment?

Player #79426667
Actually, the books are much more interesting, more detailed, n more fascinating than the show. Repeating it for almost the tenth times now

Chad, I'm only just starting to get into it now. so far it's pretty cool..you have to be into dragons, though!😉😌🙂

Chad, neither did I

IzzyAdkins, Nope, The Young Ones

Sankhadip Mandal
Actually the Game of Thrones was inspired by the Plantagenet Dynasty and its era of terrible bloodshed.

Jennifer J
I loved khal Drogo .... awww! my fantasy came true wen I saw him I was in a different world but wen he died in season 1 ... I was devastated

Winter came but was gone by morning!
Glad they didn't build it up for 8 seasons haha

one of my favourite series

Chad, likewise. Living in backwoods or not succumbing 2 sheep mentality

great show everyone in my family would wit for Sunday to see it. it was well worth the wait.the actors were wonderful. )it Harrington was a terrific job snow. also Peter dinklage was excellent. you must see it.

Player #66817220
Fredrico, kinda cold to sit upon the iron throne in the middle of the night.

Chad, I bought the whole series on DVD so I can check it out without missing parts if the story but I haven't watched it yet. lol

extraordinary Question and good information I loved it...