Which country in the world is considered the most bio-diverse on the planet?
Correct answer: Brazil
dollis1963, I believe that the problem is world wide. the destruction of wildlife and their habitat is caused by one species. You guessed it. Us.
Missy K
CoolLady89446, Greed is the root of all evil.... by evil I mean causing harm to most things, life and earth.
RegretfulRookie56271, you and beach1961 are sooo right. all rich people care about is destroying these lands for their resources and development.
Player Ejag
Huge fires inthe Amazon right now! Guess how much our current prez cares!😢
Player #2277542
RegretfulRookie56271, Brazil’s people are so poor that most have no idea about biodiversity
Iain, my family lived in Rio for almost 6 years. I love Brazil. And the people are wonderfully fun loving. Some really do care about the planet!
Cat Mom
I am absolutely hating level 70! I've already gotten 7 questions wrong & I'm only half way through! I'd like to see some of those players that kept complaining that the questions are too easy now!
Brazil’s biodiversity is crucial for the whole planet
Player #326446, Brazil sounds magnificent!! love to go there someday!!