What was Abigail Adams' position about slavery in the 18th century?

Correct answer: Opposed slavery

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Heartland Old Guy
Heartland Old Guy
One of the really good history questions about someone we do not hear much about. Did not know she and her husband were so against slavery. Got all nnew respect for them.
Bless those wonderful and intelligent people!!
Momma Mo4u
Momma Mo4u
It is so crazy to me that there is so much rasicm and prejudice against me and my community only because of our skin color. We all bleed the same!
She was a very brave & loving woman.
Mama Crow
Mama Crow
John and Abigail Adams... American heroes and role models!
the Adamses were one of the few founding families that didn't own slaves.
watch the series currently running on pbs "Jamestown ".lt shows that even in the 17th century in Virginia, there were some settlers who were very uncomfortable with the practice. along with the treatment of the native Americans, they both will remain the everlasting shame of America.
Shautay K.
Shautay K.
"nice to know EVERYONE back then didn't hang my ancestors"
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
She was a truly great lady, it's sad we haven't all followed her example
Player #1437594
Player #1437594
I have a couple of books containing the letters they exchanged. Its fascinating.
Heartland Old Guy, they would be ostracized and ridiculed by trumpf and his maggots
Momma Mo4u, I agree with u also. I’m reminded of the words from Depeche Mode-“People are people so why should it be, u and I should get along so awfully.” ❤️ that song!!
Would love for someone like a Speilberg, Ron Howard etc. to make a movie about Abigail, and all the women behind our founding fathers of the constitution. Never enough focus on women in history.
There have always been very smart, intuitive people throughout the ages and we admire their wisdom. Abigail an John Adam's are just 2 of them. Our founding fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and the Constitution are included in this group. God Bless all the righteous people on earth.
Hunger Knowledge
Hunger Knowledge
1 of the smartest & wisest 1st ladies in our country history
Player #138752561
Player #138752561
Momma Mo4u, it's a horrible fact that the winning side of any war can enslave their captured. will we ever get it right that all are created equal? some of us take these road and those are the ones who should walk a mile in other's shoes.
Being Canadian, am not too familiar with earlier politics pre-1900. Wish there were more questions here about Canadian politics which the USA know little about, even in present day.
Didn't they wrote letters to each other? she reminded him to remember the ladies
big Rick
big Rick
the last POTUS??? yeah ok
opposed slavery
Player #126595492
Player #126595492
Addam, just proves how ashamed they are of their racist past.
Player #126595492
Player #126595492
Paris Tuesday, hiding one's head in the sand does not stop the storm.
Paris Tuesday
Paris Tuesday
And now you can't even talk about slavery in Florida!
Player #121070135
Player #121070135
Momma Mo4u, the Bible says that every man who does the will of God is acceptable to him, and he made every man from every nation, and so it is abominable that people think one race is above another, because we are all equal in the side of our Creator! Look at all the diversity in the different animals we have, and the different flowers and the many different types of food we were given to eat, our creator loves diversity, and he created every kind of man, so how could anyone be prejudiced against some thing that got himself created and if anyone wants to stand the distain of Almighty God, just keep on with your racism Because he’s coming for you!
Well if that’s all true . . I have much admiration and respect for President John Adam’s to do what God has called men and their wives to be/do! Respecting their wife’s ideas and consulting them for ideas of how to react/behave. THAT is what God wants is for men to consult their wives on matters. And visa-versa
Woman on Fire
Woman on Fire
jdrhuk, Actually that fight almost broke the beginning of our country. Almost half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were staunchly opposed to slavery and wished to make it clear that this country shouldn’t be founded on the backs of people due to the color of their skin. But majority rules and too many of those men had plantations that they felt wouldn’t be able to help the young nation survive without their income and support. They would not sign without their property intact. So men like Addams and Franklin had to give in. So slavery was allowed to exist in the United States as much as it shames me to say so.
Heartland Old Guy, Exactly! I didn't know of her, but I sincerely approve of her attitude toward helping others. It's the "Do unto others" rule that I wish everyone adhered to. Enlightenment comes eventually, even to intransigent, and the world becomes a better and better place to be born.
I wasn't aware of this. Mad respect!!!
Momma Mo4u, yes we all bleed the same.Our issues go beyond color of skin. there are problems of crime,infant mortality,poor education etc etc. in our community and it effects the good work we as a people do everyday.
I enjoyed reading this one! I didn't know Abigail was against slavery.. she even helped her husband when he was president! I think we all need advice from time to time. It's good that people like her existed. Everyone needs a good education.
Mars V
Mars V
Momma Mo4u, Look at how many people thumbed down this comment! Shame on you all!!
Player #107070140
Player #107070140
God bless their hearts 💕
Emmaline, yeah unfortunately the kids growing up today are going to be totally clueless about the past even though growing up last century and going to school and learning about the racism in the past the white parents didn't make all the noise that they are making now it's a shame
Tatiana, especially the ones who use to wear white sheet and hoods and going around putting fear in deep south to all ppl who were not blonde hair blue eyes and white now that the last potus made it cool to be a bigot or racist the white sheets and hoodies aren't needed to hide their identity from the victims who are attacked by the racist groups
Momma Mo4u, and it’s really obvious in these posts where people are clicking thumbs down. There is so much to be positive about yet these “thumb downers” will continue to be the unhappy miserable people they are! Sad! This country is the most racist on earth. It will take America down!
I think everyone back then, should've opposed slavery.
I would've love to have met her and her husband.
Player lintynubela, It's melanin, not melanoma. Melanin controls the pigment of the skin. Melanoma (which you spelled incorrectly) is a highly invasive skin cancer which, if not caught immediately, usually causes death.
Player #23083895, There were numerous dissenting. Remember the Underground Railroad? People risked everything to hide runaway slaves and send them safely on their way up North to freedom.
Player #25874027, History isn't being taught in schools nowadays.