In which state is the historical city of Gettysburg?
Correct answer: Pennsylvania

Seminary Ridge was the site of Casper Dustmann's farm and shoemaking shop. The armies were in dire need of footwear. They heard there was a barnful of it there and converged on the area, and the battle began in the field across the road. The shoemaker, Casper Dustmann, tended the wounded in his barn. He was my great great Uncle.

Jasbran 0608, Dude I live ten miles from it ,its in Pennsylvaina I promise.

do they not teach this in school anymore? only b/c a lot of ppl picked Virginia.

People's ignorance of our history is so sad. We had to learn about Civil War in 7th grade I believe. Why is history no longer important to people under 30?

Player #14645378
I'm not sure if they still do this but when my husband and I were first married we lived in Gettysburg and if you had a Gettysburg address you could get into all of the museum's for free. Being young (me 19 and him 22) we didn't have a lot of money so this is how we spent one of our weekends. This was in 1985.

In South Dakota there is another Gettysburg with the town motto of "Where the battle wasn't"

Missy K
PA proud here

USAMcK, Why would it be the public schools fault? Are you old enough now to pick up a book or anything educational and teach yourself? The most exciting thing about the human mind is that it can learn every second of every day.

Someone told me that place is haunted

I have visited there as a boy scout. I was very fortunate to walk the Lincoln Trail completely.

I visit Gettysburg, once a year. I absolutely love it. I do the tour, over and over again. Truly it is spectacular! The area is extremely well maintained. Most of all, you're able to pass through time and understand the heart-wrenching story of what went on at Gettysburg.

A dark history of civil war! Countries and citizens do not seem to learn from conflict!

been to the battlefield and taken the tour, very emotional to know more Americans died here than any other battle in the Civil War.

E=MC2, Maybe we should have " history study" like some folks have Bible study.

Cindy O
Jayfeather28, a lot of people think it is. If you believe in that sort of thing, there are supposed to many ghosts walking the battlefields.


pepper105, I’m from SW PA and recall going on a school field trip also. For me that would’ve been around ‘68-‘72.

Torb, 😀

Mary Frances
RICK-N-BACHER, No, it wasn't. Lee's home was Arlington, Virginia. Now Arlington cemetery. Dwight Eisenhower retired to a farm near Gettysburg.

Player #99458, it was Robert E Lee"s home. it was confiscated and turned into a cemetery.

I’m not all that interested in history, especially wars, but have been to Gettysburg twice and I find it fascinating.

It’s The Dragon
Time to pull up Google and see 😉

Player #51756302
Jayfeather28, there are many stories and videos of soldiers walking in the woods around the battle site (ghost).
when I was visiting Custer's Last Stand site, there were errie moments of feeling a tremendous sadness.

Player #38618593
"The problem with history is that every day there's more of it."
So funny!
Anyone know who said that?

Play grananny
catsmeow9810, My mother was educated in TX. They called it The War of Northern Aggression, claiming it was anything but civil.😂. I grew up in a PGH suburb. We had a rebel sword my great grandfather confiscated from a dead Confederate soldier.

Play grananny
Cuki1942, WOW! Interesting fact!

Blumock 35
E=MC2, My husband and I both have!

Blumock 35
Torb, I live in Gettysburg, Pa, and there is a small sign in town pointing in the direction of Gettysburg, SD, and how far away it is, 1,274 miles.

Blumock 35
Player #14645378, Yes, they still do it! I've lived in Gettysburg since 1985 and met my husband here.

better know this, I'm from PA. I remember going here on a field trip in elementary school. I here it's one of the most haunted places in the world.

those who do not learn their history are doomed to repeat it

Castor Pollux
It was also the only time that the Confederate States Army traveled and fought North of the Mason - Dixon Line. The C.S.A. for all other battles were defending the Confederacy.

General Lee
If I could have one battle to do over again...

Player #20243868
I believe the confederacy lost because of the only viable drinking water the MARSH CREEK was poisoned. York was robbed and Chambersburg was burnt to crisp. The south rallied those few days but were all sick with dysentery.
Just an instinct. Been there several times.

Player #19036389
BouncyDuck7410, they're probably confusing it with Arlington Cemetery. Remember not everyone who plays this game is an American. Still, I think it would be about as well known as Dunkirk & D-day.

It is haunted

Player #12179957
Cuki1942, so cool

Player #12285901
Every time this game asked me if I want to double my coins.... I have to watch the video ad. But every time I want to watch a’s never ever ready never ever! I have never been able to double my points because the video is never ready.??

Love the town!