What drink was featured in a famous 1970s song by Rupert Holmes?
Correct answer: Pina Colada

If you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain...
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain...
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape...
I'm the love you've been looking for, write to me and escape...

Lady V
Love the song and the drink, to whoever asked if it was only a hit in the states - no, it's well known in Europe as well. Great song to listen to, listen to the lyrics and enjoy.

Wonderfully awful song. Let's romanticize cheating on your SO. Lol. It's one of those songs I like to hate and can't help getting it stuck in my head- so thanks for that.😉😂

town01, ah, yes...in the dunes. Married shortly after, some - let's see - lordy, that was 58 years ago! Where does the time go? and it was closer to noon, come to think of it...

Player #66817220
JustBreath, for what it's worth, though, by the end of the song the two clearly deserve each other.

How could the couple be so cool with cheating on each other?

Purple Kitty, Had a few at the Caribe Hilton in San Juan. Also made hundreds maybe thousands working at a beach bar in San Juan during the 70's.

Rupert Holmes had another song that was so popular here in the Phils. when I was a kid. That song was "Terminal." I always sang that song in my head while waiting for the bus to go to school.

New Yorker
They only thought they were cheating on each other but if you listen to the whole song, when they met, he sings "ah it's you ".

Great song!

One of my favorite songs! I was in 6th grade when It was released & had no idea what a Pina colada was so I asked my daddy & he said never mind! Lol!!

Mars V
JustBreath, Agreed. They still planned to cheat on each other. I can’t imagine this scenario turning out well.

TurtleRox, I loved Puerto Rico I lived there for 2 years while I was in the navy

Purple Kitty, Puerto Rican bartender, not Spanish.

JustBreath, I bet things worked out in the end 😉

constantgamer0421, Could have sworn it was a Barry Manilow song.

I love pina coladas but tequila sunrise is my favorite my 2nd favorite are margaritas

I love this song

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Haha great song isn’t it? 😎

I always thought this was a Jimmy Buffet song.... Did Jimmy just do a cover of it? I've never heard of Rupert Holmes before...

Mary Happy
Uninitialized, bless him!!!

Player #617828, me too nick?

Player #8937977
SneakyDemon73738, Timothy was a Mule! His name is on his hat on the album cover! Not cannibalism.

JustBreath, Exactly!

Lenny the Clam, he also wrote the buoys hit song Timothy which is about cannibalism.

and in the movie The sweetest Thing

2smrt, they had a open relationship?? hahaha idk

Player Peña Power
WiseWoman, you need to youtube it

Player Peña Power
Getting caught in the rain

Satan's lil helper, Dude, you gotta get out more....