A boom sound is made by which animal?
Correct answer: Bittern

Player #2302074
used process of elimination on that one!

Montana Lady
I had to look them up. They seem to live on every continent but Antarctica, are in the heron family.... and most of them do look quite a bit like a brown heron or egret.

DAdio, we have bitterns here in the Norfolk broads, England they're amazing!

I have never in my life heard of them. Must google

Once bittern twice shy!!

RappingJuggernaut464, I did the process of elimination

Very interesting!

DAdio, shallow fresh-water swampy areas in the Americas

DizzyArmadillo96650, - I'm with you. Never heard of these critters, or birds as the explaination describes. Guess I gotta get out more.

DAdio, we have them here in Michigan. Very cool bird. Their necks are stripped and they are often seen looking up, so they blend in really well with the reeds.

little b
I've not been to bittern

Smokey 84
Cat Mom, I'm a cat mom, too. And what you said are my exact thoughts!

Cat Mom
I love to read the info & then the comments to the point that I'm lucky to finish a level a day in this game lol! There is one challenge to finish an entire level in 5 minutes :-/

Cat Mom
DeboRae, yeah, what does skulking mean lol?

Player #32907841
in nz we have them. coloring blends with their back ground.
when still and hiding, resembles a stick or a dried Reed. neck and beak straight up..

Mars V
I’m not sure how, but I knew that.

DizzyArmadillo96650, you might want to check out Wikipedia they have animals and pictures and info on most of them by country some birds are unbelievably beautiful

Felipe, I wasn't aware of the word skulk or the bird Bittern. Lol

Montana Lady, Thank you.. I didn’t know if we had them in FL. Guess do!

Player #2302074, Same here. Elimination.

kelly cotter
I do not know bitters pr whatever
you called them.I dont think
Montana Lady is right,saying they
live in every continent.

the ruler of the world
boom bittern

Tom, While in Florida our boatman circled back to show us the elusive Bittern. We felt fortunate to have seen one. Here in Oregon we recently saw one at the Ankeny Wildlife Preserve in the Willamett Valley. A special moment to see many bird species in the seasonal fly zone.

trazzie1969, where abouts on the broads are the birds.i am local

321jimk, boom 💥

herons, egrets and bitterns are similar

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Don’t you mean “striped?” 😎

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Neither have I, but by process of elimination I got it right!

Montana Lady, thank you for the extra info!

Player #27149342 pixie
321jimk, ha ha.

it's native to which country?

Player #14900060CJMD
DAdio, in Alberta, Canada. Gotta say, ours sound like a rock dropped into deep water. No boom.

Greyghost 68
DAdio, next door to me...

not a clue

Player spacecowboy🤠
I think we have bitterns here in North Wi. But, only during the summer because of all the lakes and rivers we have.

Player #3971444
DAdio, where is this bird native to?