What is a large enclosure for keeping birds called?
Correct answer: Aviary

Lady V
Birds are meant to fly... caging them is cruel.

There is an Aviary in Charleston, Charles Towne Landing historical park, in South Carolina where all of the birds in there are injured or recovering. South Carolina is a great state for an Aviary.

A business complex in Dallas has a courtyard aviary

Player #10639782
I knew this one because of the term the avian flu

Bee Hummingbird is the smallest bird.

I have a small every in my house yard. There are parakeets, budgies, pigeons. Birds are supposed to hatch in pairs. Sometimes some eggs do not hatch, or a baby bird dies. So the surviving one grows without having partner. I try to give a replacement partner from similar species but from other sex. Sometimes it works, sometimes fail. I can say that budgies are smart and have feeling. A budgie picked the new partner until dead. Another budgie is gay. Another budgie likes raping the pigeons that I decide to lock it up in a cage. Human or animal, for me rape is crime.

Player #29437046
there is an aviary in Charleston Charles

Player #21374632
Lady V, these really large cages are not meant to harm the birds but to allow people to view these beautiful creatures, otherwise most of us would not be able to see them.

I've read this somewhere.. ✌️

Maria ♡
Player #10639782, I miss read it & put wrong answer, if though I do know what's its called, as spent Days cleaning one out , that the previous owner couldn't be bothered, to clear up, having 2 small children at the time, it was unsafe to leave,
I'm a silly moo ! :-)

Player Elf Council
Mo B. Richard, I said my name is Avery. Not aviary. It's ancient Celtic.
Alfred, the Saxon name, also means Elf Counsel.

Vancouver ( British Columbia) has a lovely aviary with many birds from around the world, butterflies and more under a domed,glass cover.Beautiful.

Player Elf Counsel
Lady V, My first name is Avery and gets mispelled. It means Elf Counsel in old Welsh.

GKOLGAF REVIVALIST, I used to have one LOL