Which of these is a small hound originally bred to hunt hares?

Correct answer: Beagle

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What people think about it: 12 Comments
Player #48458
Player #48458
charlie, we had a beagles named Cleopatra and she acted the part. she was beautiful but loved to dig
Beagle's are the best
Craig Rehm
Craig Rehm
dachshund is also a hare hunter
Player #8446948
Player #8446948
Beagles are awesome!!
beagle is not small, it's a medium sized dog
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
TwoTin16 & Craig Rehm, Since we are off topic - Dachshunds means Badger Dog in German. The standard-sized was developed to scent or sniff out, chase, & flush out badgers & other burrow-dwelling animals. The miniatures were bred to hunt smaller animals such as rabbits.
Player #27643412, yes you are right - Harrier hounds are bred for hare hunting . They are bigger than beagles but not as big as a foxhound.
Player #13286156
Player #13286156
Craig Rehm, standard dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers, miniature dachshunds bred for rabbits and hares
Player #16197249
Player #16197249
Player Proy49
Player #27643412
Player #27643412
this question is incorrect, Harrier's were bred to hunt Hare's during the Victorian era as beagles were too small, the reason is I have one, she's extremely strong & has the beagle scenting ability, extremely strong & can chase anything.. Beagles were bred for fox hunting..
Benny wojo
Benny wojo
good dog
i dident know that