“Tico” is a colloquial term for a native of which Central American country?
Correct answer: Costa Rica

In Italian we have the suffixes 'ino' and 'one' for little and big. For example it's quite usual to sign a message to friends with either baccino - a little kiss or baccione - a big kiss.

SilentElephant82086, tico is not Spanish for uncle. Tío is Spanish for uncle.

definitely appreciate reference of beer & joint in Dutch ;)

Colombians don't call themselves ticos but they too use the tico suffix to form a a diminutive word

Player #4250921
bflowers84, Take a look at a map, Costa Rica is just northwest of Panama.

for diminutive words we use jamo in our Visayan dialect

little b
I've not been to Costco visa

in swiss german they add "li" to the end to diminuate, bear becomes bearli

Lived in CR 20 years ago and never heard them use "ico" or "Ica". Been living in Nicaragua for the last 20 and here the people use "ito" and "ita" prolifically. "Aguita" for example, when asking for a little water!

Player #4874807
Another guess

bflowers84, go look