NH3 is the chemical symbol of what?
Correct answer: Ammonia
oops! the question gave it away. 😬
Player Elf Counsel
Soleil10001, All my picture shows is the letters. Nothing more.
Player #1935809
cqslayton, didn't even notice lol. good thing I paid attention in chemistry
* Seshati *
Wow never knew the Egyptian connection to the word, I love this game it’s great to learn little tid bits.
definitely ammonia
The Lost Apothecary
Soleil10001, Some people don’t get the complete picture. Not sure if this depends on the phone you have or the program it uses. :)
Player Elf Counsel, I see it in the pic, left side blue area.
People! Just open your eyes if you don't know the answer!
(Can't believe it's still happening after that many straightforward pictures...)