Where are you most likely to find the Dewey Decimal System being used?
Correct answer: Library

Hope they'll always exist. There's something awe inspiring about being around rooms full of books!

Player #118197
nimblemoon, l worked as a librarian for quite a few years. Loved the work, and the Dewey decimal system helped so much in handling, shelving, and locating the books.

I am blessed in saying, that I got verry familiar wiv the Dewey system wen I was 10 + did a few shifts as a junior librarian in my locall community & having the knowledge has served me well ... it still helps me in my day job & no, I'm not a librarian fyi! :O

Player SQinfoNUTS
oh my goodness gracious sakes alive. The fact that so many people were flummoxed by this question indicates that what percentage of people have never actually set foot inside of a library?!

I first heard about Dewey when I read about the amazing cat named Dewey who lived for 18 years in a library in a small American town.

I didn't realize that they still use the Dewey System but I'm glad they do 😁

I studied it, though currently unemployed in the field I am actually a qualified library assistant :)

GrandmaTanya, some libraries use LC (Library of Congress) classification which uses letters for its primary classes. I loved working as a public librarian and academic librarian for 30+ years.

Earth Janitor
If I didn't know the answer I think the book worm reading a book may have given it away anyway!

Player #9043571
nimblemoon, love books and am surrounded by them, it's like Waterstones in here!

Nerak 7
I hope the library stays.. there is such peace just walking through the library. It’s bad enough that we have lost allot of bookstores..

Player #31753367
Have always enjoyed the experience of Libraries. At an early age My Grandmother regularly sent me to return/ and collect books for her. She never requested a preference..Perhaps her way of seeing what I was like ?? am 70+ and still miss her Wisdom.

Fun to see....I work for OCLC!!!

The cartoon gave it away, otherwise didn't have the foggiest

DDC very much interesting I work in the library and it makes the search on the shelves much easier when you know the classification

Player #43246871, a place where you exchange foreign currency.

Player #43246871
What's a "bereau" de change!?

793.73 😁

Guillermo Jr.
wish there were a Yankee Candle..
"old books"

Player #30601169
Player SQinfoNUTS, not necessarily, they might just have not known there was a name for the book organizing system or what it was.

its bureau not bereau

OanaChris, knew about the Dewey system before reading the book you mentioned. lt was a delightful book.

Player #13659894
Earth Janitor, you're right. I didn't know it but geussed using the picture

gwapito raw ako

Player #4747084, I noticed that too. Since it was there as a wrong answer, it really doesn't matter. The fact it is spelled incorrectly, is just another red herring. 👀


Player #4534077 Jas
KAITLYNMARIA, Actually, Arabic numerals are originally Indic numerals. The ancient Arabians got the numerals from ancient Indian mathematics.

Player #4747084
It's Bureau de change. Not Bereau.

Player #3144734
Thought it was a double sports question?

Player #3912108
nimblemoon, MyMom the librarian taught me that

didn't realise this