In the Bond film "Goldfinger", which of these items was used as his weapon by the villain, Oddjob?
Correct answer: Bowler hat

The most memorable scene was the Golden girl.

Player #1081396
ObstinateCadet56085, No, Mister Bond, I expect you to die

Saw this movie in the theater with my grandpa Jim when I was 8. My grandmother was enraged at grandpa!

Guitarfan 5
N00bPixie56523, included the 'ol "laser-to-the-crotch" routine! lol

Raven’s dad
Random Task used a shoe as a weapon LOL

Player #1081396, "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die." That was my favorite line of all the Bond movies.

Player #13495380
Hello James bond007shaken not stirred.