Buddhism originated in which country?
Correct answer: India

Player #2575087
Efandra2003, visit lumbini / Nepal the country of peace where Gautam Buddha was born , you can learn many things there....

if I had not been born and raised Christian.. I would be Buddhist.. a fascinating and beautifully simple way of walking through life..

Literally, he was enlightened in India so Buddhism originated in India. It does not matter where Buddha was born.

Efandra2003, I AM Buddhist and it's the best decision I ever made, to follow the Eightfold Path.

Buddha was born in Nepal, got enlightened in India, returned back to Nelal and started spreading his knowledge throughout the world. So literally Buddhism was originated from Nepal

I'm studying Buddhism I am very interested

little b
I've not been to India

Deep, yes you are correct.

buddish origin is nepal please repair question

Aashish Shrestha, no dude Buddha was born in India

a true Buddhist does not worry about where it originated.

It’s The Dragon
Sure, it came from Germany

Wrong answer Buddha was born in Nepal plz respect

Buddhism teaches mindful awareness of all living things.

Player #37715087
Buddha was born in Nepal and Buddhism was originated from Lumbini.

Player #35999504
people who picked Germany as the answer need to reevaluate their existence

Aashish Shrestha
Budhha was born in Nepal

didci.sj, Nepal was india

Player #36604332
This answer is incorrect buddha was born in Nepal. so buddhism was started in Nepal

Fun guy
was born India as a prince, left palace after being prevented from seeing the realities of suffering in the world. Buddhism was result of many failed attempts at peace with other faiths. basically desire brings suffering & lack of desire or happiness with a zen like existence brings peace.

the answer India is not country but an Indian subcontinent

Taramaiden, ashtanga.. namaste..

* Seshati *
Hugo, there are practicing Buddhist’s the world over. Was once a very influential faith that spread far & wide.

Efandra2003, come visit Nepal, the Birth place of Buddha is in western part of Nepal

Player #1733025
King, Buddha born in Nepal lumbani district