What scientific name does the main component of vinegar have?
Correct answer: Acetic Acid

penawareof, I am English and we just have to have it on our chips. (French fries to you Yanks.) Forget ketchup.

Player #3129837, I use acetic acid every day . It is part of my job at a metal finishing industry to balance the pH of the tanks. Wow, that is one way to wake you up in the a.m.🙄

balsamic vinegar makes everything taste better.

Player #3129837
I find vinegar indispensable

Love vinegar on salads and subs.

Frugal Fred
Soak your feet fortnightly in a bowl of water containing a tumbler full of vinegar with a dash of shampoo and say goodbye to hard skin on your feet.

Player Elf Counsel
penawareof, We English have to have vinegar on our chips.

Ashant Of Downs Of M
Great for treatment of skin and nail fungus

Player #17763543
Am I the only one who wonders how something that is only 5-20% acetic acid (95-80% water) doesn't have water as the major component?

I love vinegar on my fries but it has to be malt or cider vinegar. Most restaurants here only have white vinegar. Not nearly as tasty.

Player #83925953
I mix vinegar and baking soda to clean up the burnt on stuff from my pots and pans. Great chemical reaction.

I remember getting my scientist badge when in the scouts & my Old Man was a Regular Instructor. He helped me with identifying this acid during the section I attended. Never forgot it!

I’ve been having a spoonful of cider vinegar every morning, for years now. It promotes good gut bacteria for general health.

Elfcounsel, yes me too, no Tom ketchup for me, thou mayonnaise is quite nice too

Player #41749672
Fredx, thanks

I read you can boil vinegar down and kill weeds with it. a lot healthier than other herbicides!

Player #27643412, you can just add a little citrus essential oil to vinegar and it's the same thing.

Elfcounsel, canadians too(not sure)

Player #27643412
I buy cleaning vinegar cheap as, does a great job on the tiles floors & in the bathroom, good stuff..

M Adaan❣🔥
Elfcounsel, how u prepared fries with vinegar

Proud to be a science student.... #nothingimpossible

My chemistry class from decades ago serves me well.

all purpose acid.apple with vinegar

add 3 caps to water great for cleaning windows

will suck the calcium out of your bones

Elfcounsel, I'm a Canadian and I have to have vinegar on my fries. But I usually have ketchup too. I love them together.

Player #11285701
Player Mz. Peggy, wow I did not know that!

LittleDucky52, every body has a septic tank in the city it goes into a pipe line in the country it goes to a tank under ground they are both known as septic tanks

Pimpao +
Powerful anti histamine for all types of bites and colour fixing agent a thru secret agent for in-house remedies

penawareof, and French fries!! Yum!!

I haved used vinegar to clean the septic tank of my toilet and my coffee pot. It works great!