An attempt was made to assassinate which pope in 1981?
Correct answer: John Paul II

Didn't he forgive the gun man in person

Then came the Pope Mobile.

Player JZ-3
SAC69, That's ridiculous. One lunatic's actions don't represent every Muslim. I am a teacher of international students, and many of
my Muslim students have been the kindest and most honorable students I have worked with.

L'ex Jock
Diagon Alley, why generalize, bad men come in all faiths and so do good men

Player #2248817

some miraculous business: a prediction from a visionary at Fatima said a Bishop in white would be shot. the vision was written down years before was sealed and went unopened until after the event. the Pope credited his survival to Our Lady of Fatima and the bullet has been added to a statue's crown there.

Laudy Miss Claudy
Pope John Paul was shot on the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima...May 13th.

Efandra2003, yes he did

Player #8489347, I am an American, And I still have my honor, as do most of my countrymen and women. yes there are many in our Govt that have no honor and I am doing everything in my power to get them out of our White House and Congressional Building.

Player lintynubela
Efandra2003, yes he did and show incredible humanity to the man .❤❤❤❤

should be mentioned that he forgave the shooter later on.

NimuaeAvalon, I feel very sorry for you! Your in my prayers!

Mars V
Pril San Pedro, When JP2 was made aware of the priest scandals in the US, he was stricken with grief over events directly contrary to his great work with young people. Stop blaming the entire Church for the evil done by some insane individuals. It’s as absurd as blaming Muslims for the acts of a single terrorist.

Mars V
Efandra2003, He visited his shooter in prison as good Christians are supposed to do, got to know him, forgave him, and told him that God loves him.

That's one I know a Great Forgiveness of One of the Highest Lider of Roman Catholic ❤️✌️❤️

Efandra2003, yes he did.

Player #53198786
lol I did this
:33 made by me boys

Efandra2003, no...,that one u talking about is Spanish..and was a priest..and happened in Fatima ,after a few month the joao Paul saw him in prison-spain...

Player #37528469
I remember watching to see if I could see my friends mother in the crowd and that is when we found out that she was the woman that was also shot.

Player Gigi #28446253
Fun guy, obviously not in this case. His work wasn't done!

Player #21133801
Player #2911522, A truly remarkable man, not many like him.

Fun guy
and some faiths refuse blood transfusion as being against God ?

Player #25874027
Laudy Miss Claudy,
While I don’t doubt the forgiveness I doubt that Agca was trying to kill him if he was actually an expert gunman .
At close range he should have been able to hit the vital spots

Player #2248817, best pope in history.. a truly brave man..

hedaben, Brava! (Assuming you're female.)

wow he was a great man😓

Puppy lover!!
Player JZ-3, Exactly, some muslim people are very ashamed of muslims who do things like this, and find them a disgrace to there culture.

Puppy lover!!
Efandra2003, He had to, because he is a Christian and Christians have to forgive people.

antonio Koroimaravu
Laudy Miss Claudy, a child in the crowd was wearing our Lady of Fatima picture imprinted in the front of his shirt. As the pope passed by, he glanced at the picture on the child's shirt and paused. That change of pace saved the pope from been mortally wounded

antonio Koroimaravu
Laudy Miss Claudy, the pope said he chose the wrong date which is the feast day of our ladies first apparition at Fatima

antonio Koroimaravu
Efandra2003, the gun man was forgiven within 24 hours after the shooting.

Player #1coolcat
hedaben, what does that entail??

Player #16821223
that fascist group "grey wolves" still operates in Turkey. I wonder why.

Player #mimi2157, you're not a Klingon.

Efandra2003, yes and was very public. It didn't affect the trial outcome. But goes to show what a gracious and Godly man he was!

A HORRIBLE EVENT. Thankfully he survived!
I remember somebody said afterwards-
"That shooter had an "E" Ticket to Hell !"

Bjach, Yes but after the Bat mobile lol.

Player JZ-3, they are always kind and generous when in minority, and also play the victim card very well.

L'ex Jock
Diagon Alley, your hatred says more about you than we need to know