Famous for the cube that bears his name, in which country was the inventor Ernő Rubik born?
Correct answer: Hungary

anyone here good at solving a rubics cube? I always wished I could have.

there are 3 kinds of ppl in the world, those that can count and those that can't

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
ZealousforZebras, with practice I can do it in around 45 seconds. learned it when I was 6. my kids, brother and dad can all do it.
if you can do 1 colour with the edges right. it's pretty much a set way.

ZealousXylophone4327, I wasn’t! I wish I was. I was one of those kids that peeled off the stickers to solve it. Have you seen the videos of the kids solving them using their feet? Check them out on YouTube.

visit Budapest if you can.. it is as beautiful as Paris..

Rich Linville
matty, 5 out of 4 people don't understand fractions.

mendel 234
Rubik's cube is the best selling toy of all time, with more than 350 million pieces since 1980. but it was not created as a toy. Erno Rubik created his cube to teach 3-dimensioanl geometry to his students.

my grandma's favorite way to past time . :)

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, I could never figure it out and I'm supposed to be smart, really smart!

easiest way to solve rubiks cube. take it apart and build it completed

mendel 234, now everyone can learn 3d dimensional geometry ( it took 4 goes to spell that right!)

matty, and u clearly can’t!! 😂😂

ZealousforZebras, I have done it. It just takes patience.

Funny enough, I played for three years before I eventually solved mine. I was only able to solve it when I stopped my obsession about it and started investigation.

The Rubik cube was also known as the Hungarian Horror.

Player #36309042
the 3 r'sare so important :
reading , riteing , and rritmatic

Rich Linville
ZealousforZebras, Google "How to solve a Rubics Cube" on the internet to learn step by step.

ZealousforZebras, I can still solve it. I learned how to solve it back in 85.

Player #15952028
matty, I like take that, very clever

I'm Hungarian but I could never do it .....

* Seshati *
FellipeFellop1968, yep I know what ya mean .. gosh darn it was never that good but then again I didn’t preserver I got bored & frustrated lol far to easily.

FellipeFellop1968, haha. Love your story. thanks for sharing it.

will Smith did it blinded folded in under 2 minutes I think

Laelin, Very inventive, changing the stickers...I'm still smiling at this. Did you grow up to be a politician? Banker? Very clever to think of this. ;0)

turn the top level and disassemble reassemble using the matching colors

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
FellipeFellop1968, I do that to so many people. if I see one anywhere I have to do it. ha ha
Y.N.W.A. JFT96

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
ZealousforZebras, with practice I can do it in around 45seconds.

Soleil10001, His name looked Hungarian to me, although I knew his name just not where he came from.

Player #158499,
He is world famous so you either know who is it or can't guess by the name.