What type of flower can be used to clean up radioactive waste?
Correct answer: Sunflower

Who knew and why aren't tons of them already planted near every nuke plant in the USA to be ready in the event of another accident.

so what happens when the sunflower dies? where does the radioactive waste go?!

how many sunflowers would it take on Chernobyl?

Player #3014846
found that interesting.

amazing. I think mother nature has a solution to all our problems if we look at nature deeply and wisely

Beware of anyone who has a sunflower field, lolol

excellent question

Should be planted in or near any nuclear disaster and plant.

We all need to plant more sunflowers!

wonderful info im going to plant some. love this game. I raised my kids on accidentlly learning and I have introduced my neighbors kids to this and even their teachers noticed. keep up the good work

Caterpillar.Girl, Birds love them. And the oil is very useful.

ScarredHippy2107, Brilliant idea. When there is no accident the seeds can be harvester

Byrde Alpha Bitch
You are forsaken, fooool, Danke for the added information!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #130998363, Mother Nature is doing more for that than he is!😉

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #34402508, Groovy added information; Thank you!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
ScarredHippy2107, Not only the U.S.A., but World Wide.

Player #92723922
Player #50531971, A process called pirolysis. Look it up.

Player #137846770
Look up sunflowers of Chernobyl..they are all over the place there. A lot of the plants are "deformed" from the radiation

in my nose 😂

Player #23336038
what tagus inposeble

Ukraine has found its national flower

Mari Belle
Are seeds safe to eat then? Love those pa naman

This makes me wonder if the seeds are safe to eat?

Karmen Karma
Caterpillar.Girl, that was my question

Sneaky photo

Republic of China
Time to plant 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 sunflowers in my house and also the entire country

Player #35387966
I agree with the question why they're not planted around every nuclear reactor in the world I mean this was something I could get behind and champion and champion a movement to make this happen

TheLastKing, one

Player #50531971
how do they dispose of radioactive sunflowers? are they selling them? how do we know if our flowers are radioactive? the explanation raises more questions than it answers

We need to be educated on this so more people can plant sunflowers.

cyoot doggo woof woof
dandelions and daisy's are weeds, but they're super good for the bees!:)

Player #43139380
ScarredHippy2107, Kansas is the sunflowers state flower!

Great fact overall and Japan’s use amazing.

Player #41448918
ScarredHippy2107, hmmm accident

Player Diver Dan
They then turn into Trifids...

Sam, probably they store it just like any other nuclear waste

Player #32180946
I don't think I will ever eat a sunflower seed again. people need to watch "radium girls" movie

I don't think 1000 sunflowers could clean up the radioactive waste in my bathroom.

Sam, that's like asking what happens with water that the plant fed on after it dies.

Player #34402508, COOL! And I never knew.