What is Jainism?
Correct answer: An ancient Indian religion

It's good to know about and try to understand other religions. Knowledge is not consent.

Jainism is probably more connected with Hinduism than Buddhism, but as Gautama Buddha was born in India he would have been exposed to both these philosophies. These principles of kindness, truth, generosity, honesty and balance are the basis of the ancient teachings of yoga, which is said to pre-date Hinduism.

Sounds like the precursor to Buddhism, doesn't it?

GruffSecretAgent9936, Reply: Actually Buddhism came first. Jainism like Buddhism was a reformed movement away from Hinnduism. Jains believe that Buddha did not stress the imp
ortance of asceticism in obtaining moksha
or liberation from karma/reincarnation. Namaste.
( asceticism

Laudy Miss Claudy, No Mahatma Gandhi wasn't aJain. He was a Hindu Gujrati

wow I might like this.

Clark Shastri 🤓
GruffSecretAgent9936, do you still play this?

Player #34406685, well he would, as Mahavira was the most recent

Hello A Jain Here 😊

Hridyangna jain
Thank you for giving this question

Player #20326164
I knew this because of Jane the Virgin! There was a whole storyline with a Jain :)

Player #34406685
The person providing the information seems to have gotten mixed up between the four stages of life that a follower of Sanatan Dharma (read, Hinduism) has to follow with that of Jainism. Understandable, since Jainism is really an offshoot Hinduism.

Player #34406685
IckyEra2, nope! Jainism came first. Mahavira predates SakyaMuni (Buddha). Also, Jains first Tirthankar was Parsvanath who predates Mahavira.

it is very happy while knowing religious in India

niks love
jains are Hindus and all the 24 tithankaras in Jainism were Hindu..so thers is no difference between jain and Hindu ..