What was the first music video shot in space?
Correct answer: Space Oddity

Major Tom and Space Oddity are the same song I thought....hmmm

love this song!

Joe D
Jonswoman09, I suspect a lot of people are like me - I know the song is ABOUT "Major Tom" but rarely remember that it's NAME is "Space Oddity". I was only 6 when it came out. I remember hearing it when I was in junior high and thinking it was really cool, but I knew nothing about David Bowie at the time.

Player #33161631
It's a bit of a stretch to call footage of Chris Hadfield playing Space Oddity a 'music video'!
The actual Bowie music video for this song was very much filmed on Earth.

JezzerLX, Major Tom was a bit hit in the early 80s by German artist Peter Schilling. David gave his blessings for the song. Ashes to Ashes has always been my favorite of the trilogy.

Mars V
Jonswoman09, Major Tom is in a couple of Bowie songs.

Chris Hadfield makes all of Canada proud of him, not only for singing Space Oddity in space, but for commanding the ISS.

That is a reach to call it a music video shot in space.

loco, Chris Hadfield is a Canadian treasure!

JezzerLX, yes there is. look it up. 2 different songs.