Which Chuck Palahniuk novel was turned into a 1999 film?
Correct answer: Fight Club

We don't talk about that. 😉

Fantastic film

"first rule about Fight Club~~don't talk about Fight Club"

cool story about how he created the story, also a great movie!

I would like to say something but you know....1st rule

3foldUtopianDream, an even better book!

little b
I've not been a fighter yhh

WDA, and you do not talk about fight club ! Now featuring nowdays at your kid,s middle school cafeteria! lol!

Player SeaCay, we lived on a farm on a state highway. People sometimes would drop off an animal they didn’t want anymore. I walked into my barn one day and there was a cat that I didn’t own. I didn’t know it was pregnant either. My daughter went to feed the horses one day and saw her batting around a ball. A closer look showed that she had chewed her baby’s head off and that was what she was batting around. Then they named her Marla the tourist. My daughter’s boyfriend (now husband) took a walk in the field with his gun and took Marla with him…

jimmyboy, sadly my kid got involved in one of these…

And you do not talk about Fight Club! Now featured nowadays at your kid's middle school cafeteria! LoL!

Oooh! I love that last little tidbit about his inspiration. I definitely need to read some more of his books, too!!

As a guess I chose fight club, because the man on the picture looks like a fighter!

KookyOrangutan5005, too late!

In Tyler we trust...

Player SeaCay
Are you talking about...