What is the watery discharge from your eyes or nose after you have slept called?
Correct answer: Rheum

Player #2342698
learn something new every time I play this game!! Play it everyday!!!

knowbrains, yes, my mom told me it was from the Sandman putting sand in my eyes to make me sleep. What a creepy thing to tell a kid. Stranger danger.

Player #2342698, I always called it crusties.

Player #15942472
my gran used to call it sleep in your eyes

eye boogers IDC what y'all say 🤣

sleepy dust is the nicest term for it.

Mr. Penguini
I call it “eye-dew”.

Paul Haidet-Florida
Player #2342698, i love this game as well

in the eye it's secreted from the goblet cells in the conjunctiva not the cornea. The cornea has to be clear and avascular and have a diffraction grating so you can see through it

Sleep can cause corneal abrasion, so beware rubbing eyes in the morning.

Miss Sue
Player #2342698, I know. It's wonderful, isn't it.

Anyone ever hear the expression "rheumy eyes"? Maybe that's just an old saying....but I have heard it all my life. Makes sense to me now. Often heard it when people spoke of elderly people...."their rheumy eyes."

Player #42415060
Dog butter

ithink elderly people wake up with that goop in eyes very oftenwhen in school worked in a nursing home for elderly

Tanya, better than when I was told our mama cat found her baby kittens in our cabbage patch, I walked that garden many times and i never found babies there, lol

eye snots

Player #70553044
I always called 'em eye boogers

Player #26129643
For whatever reason, we said someone had "cold in their eyes."

Fun guy
IU you have allergies, it can literally weld your eyes shut- in some Carribean, called 'yampi'.

I wake up with this in my eyes all the time always wondered if it was normal. Now I know.

Cagoo, that's what my mum always said I had

Player #5100533
DadCraft360, NO ! They're called Eye Boogers.