In the song "Freeway of Love" by Aretha Franklin what color was the cadillac?
Correct answer: Pink

Particularly the reasoning for all the pink Cadillacs that were used at her funeral. The Queen of Soul was a true talent and a even bigger philanthropist! She'll be missed. Thankfully her soulful music will keep us company and somewhat content.

Funny I sang it to figure it out.

Destino Manifesto
Aretha was definitely one of the greatest singer/songwriters in recorded history. I loved her. ❤

Player #1111308
I love Aretha :"Ain't No Way", Chain, Chain , Chain",

Every time I see her, her voice and her songs go through my mind for the rest of the day!

Fresumi03, during the funeral procession to her final resting place, there had to be 50 or more Pink Cadillacs ahead of the hearse. It was definitely a sight to see as the Queen took a final ride through the city.

Lynn Lynn💛😄
Freedom you said s mouthful about re-re, she will be missed, I was two blocks from her home when I was younger in Det , Motown, hitsville USA. Gladys Night,Eddie in the Temps , plus Diana Ross, but they got the big head s and moved to California, shuck them we still got the Museum forever. Big them all before they got their status. loved them all Stevie, four tops you name them!!!!!

Player #4766238
love that song

Player #27512564
No disrespect too Whitney Houston and some others. Greatest voice in history, True Queen of Soul, in any community!!!

Mz. Pami
Rest In Peace Queen

Destino Manifesto, I agree.

Player #49029942
Aretha Franklin u will b the best RIP Queen of Soul.

Player #17112183
its funny how songs rule our days

Gotta Love the Queen of Soul

Player #25071102
amazing singer

Player #9093411
JimmyLovesQL, LOL!!!😂

When ISN'T the Cadillac pink?

Player #9914179
QueenieJ8971, trying to think of something else pink and shiny.

LazyLabradoodle29407, may her soul rest easy.

Player #4165600
Hoplea, if you didn't have to help, what difference does it make? To each his own.

Lynn Lynn💛😄
Hoplea, Holes she had that and could have gone longer, so don't go there.

Lynn Lynn💛😄
Satan's lil helper, Micheal Jackson donated $25.000 to hitsville USA and his glove.