What is the high street clothing store, known as 'Primark' in the U.K., known as in the Republic of Ireland?

Correct answer: Penneys

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #3532789
Player #3532789
It is a great store if you don't want large sizes!!
Think you will find that the biggest Primark store is in Birmingham UK as of 2019
Great shop but after spending numerous hours with my partner in shops all around the UK can’t say I’m a fan, maybe if they played music in there I’d be more happy! 😃
owned by George weston CEO of allied bakeries food and Mills who also owns British sugar, pataks Indian foods , blue dragon Chinese foods, and almost every flour mill along with the 2 largest bread producing bakeries in the UK
Player #3138816
Player #3138816
Uninitialized, correct largest store in the world now in Birmingham !!
Graham Y.N.W.A.  JFT
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Player #3532789, why would someone give a thumbs down? I totally agree 👍 Y.N.W.A.    JFT96