Which of these Roman amphitheatres is the largest ever built?
Correct answer: Colosseum
the mighty Colosseum. went to Rome for a day off a cruiser. Almost cried when I saw it , stunning.
:(Nancy E):
I was very privileged to tour Italy and saw the colosseum. It was very impressive. I was struck by the fact that there are apartments very close that you can sit on your balcony and look at the colosseum. Imagine having morning coffee and seeing that.
playing this game I like cause when I get it wrong I learn sumthing new n I got this one wrong
I visited the third biggest coliseum in the world, it is located in El Jem, Tunisia. It is well preserved... Beautiful too, but this buildings have dark history, we should never forget that hundreds of thousands people and animals was slaughtered there by Romans.
Well, don't feed me to the lion's, yet. I got that one right!
But it is not called the Colosseum because of it's colossal size. It's because there was a huge statue of Nero, called the Colossus, right beside it. It is one of the most magnificent buildings I have ever seen!
Cinnaminny2009, There are things happening round the world today that are 1000 times worse. in the days of the original use of the Coliseum, that was life and entertainment as they were used to. You are judging those times, by modern standards. Nowadays examples of barbaric incidents revolt all conscientious and right minded people.
A breathtaking piece of architecture —- to bad it was partially dismantled
Player #3532789
jilly, They use it for Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday services today.
Player #7929563
Granted many horrific events took place here. I am amazed that it is still standing!!
little b
I've not been to vbvbvv vb
Player #6532678, Some people are inconsiderate, corrupt, and inhumane. Anyone who hurts anyone or anything for pleasure is sick and evil.
Player #3532789, That is awesome thanks for letting us know. Love that they use it for something so special and amazing.
AmbidextrousWolf8977, me too
Mom mom Cindy
Taramaiden, Nothing new under the sun, per King Solomon
Despicable that one of their entertainments was to dress Christians in bloody animals' skins and turn out the lions which were kept hungry for the event, the spectacle.
I was going to say the right answer, that was for sure..
The Arena di Verona is still used for opera. It’s also in amazing shape. (Arena means sand in Italian and Spanish- it was used to soak up the blood!)
jilly, one of the most beautiful sites I've seen!!
Marco Martelli
I was born in Italy but I am not Marco,I am David,his son
RE Luzzara
Player #62752956
Player #6532678, I don’t think many people forget what they were used for and your numbers are way off.
I visited the Coliseum twice in my life, is an amazing arquitectura !!
Player #37935910
my translator did not spell coliseum properly sorry
Player #37935910
that coliseum was built off the monies made off of the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 AD
this is so amazing question for me and I think that question is also good for all of uh its stunning i read about it and i cried when i heard this
Player #13023389
I've never been to Italy but my grandmother did. She didn't see the Colosseum though. I've known this 4 years. Debby
Player Gigi #28446253
Debinski, about a parking issue, my husband and I went to the 1st Ontario (CA) 500 and tried to leave a little early to beat the crowds. We couldn't find our car amidst the thousands and didn't get out of there until after dark. But we did miss the crowds hahaha🤣😂
Player #32567393
Bjach, lions, Lizzi, no apostrophe!!! From Cozzy 25. With love.
the English word "Arena" .. comes from the Latin for "sand" .. also arena.. which was used to cover the fighting surface and soak up blood..
Player #27343936
I think the clue is in the name.
one pipece
I don't know the answer
But I bet parking was a pain.
this is one of the favorite places highlights my life
Player Seizetheday
Player #6532678, spot on. Violence is practically glorified in 21st century. It brings tears to my eyes to see kids being exposed to cartoons where once cute Peter Rabbit suddenly knows martial arts and is now electrocuting humans for fun
The design of the Colosseum is what modern sports arenas are based off today.
Player #15731391
love theis game
I'm sure there was a larger one that seated upto 250,000 people (from a brainfood podcast
Was there a couple of weeks ago. It’s stunning and I cried when I saw it.
...someone got it in the eye.
Perspective folks. Only the rare few would have the moral insight to get it right. And be prepared to DIE a horrible death if you spoke up about it.
Life is not so simple, is it!?