Which tea is known as the "Champagne of Tea"?
Correct answer: Darjeeling

Very interesting. I like darjeeling (no milk ever, that would spoil it). Very refreshing.

Stephanie.S., Darjeeling tea doesn‘t make feel high. It is just the flavour which tastes really good.

Player Bengal Mama, diabetics can drink tea. If your diabetes consultant says you can't, ask why or change consultant. I've been type 1 diabetic for 48 years.

Player Bengal Mama, never heard that diabetics could not drink it-not only have I been diabetes for 2 decades but I worked in big pharma in insulin mfg

Cookie Bean, Thanks! I will have to check that out, it seems fascinating. I am a devout tea drinker and have been for decades.
My all-time favorite is Earl Grey, but I love gen -ma-cha? ( I forget how to spell it).... and my new favorite is a ginger/tumeric blend that helps my aches and pains.

Gamesfan, you've never tried this

CrayC 13
when I tap the answer it uncovered next to it 3times

Player #17611859, As a British person, I'm a tea drinker.. black tea is what is usually had with a little milk. I've had green tea, though don't love it. I have certainly never felt "high" on tea!

Like champagne? Really?

I am definitely going to try it!! I drink tea all the time and i need a change!!