Which brand's logo gets colours from the flag of Bavaria, a state in Germany?
Correct answer: BMW logo

From what I’ve read. BMW originally made airplane engines and the logo was supposed to be a white propeller against a blue sky, it was not taken from the Bavarian flag.

Had to do something to do with Germany

RikThib, that is a myth perpetuated by the movie "Finding Forrester."
Translated BMW means Bavarian Motor Works. lived there for three years while in the army, lovely part of Germany with awesome people.
Google "Bavarian flag"

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RikThib, It used the colours of the Bavarian flag

Now I know what's the meaning of BMW

ImpossibleGiant69969, that's just a coincidence, the notion that the badge was designed to resemble a propeller is a misconception.

i hit the right one at same time ss u

I heard it came from the optical illusion when looking through the propeller blades of 1st ww aircraft.