Which music band was founded in 1973 in New York City?
Correct answer: Kiss

Player Ejag
BTW, if you haven’t been to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, it is weii-worth the trip! A very emotional time spent there!

they have always been awesome

Player #1157978, Saw them in concert. they were awesome.

Gene Simmons is a marketing Genius! One of the reasons KISS was the successful band they are.

Player Ejag, I wanna go so bad. One of these days...

As a little kid, I thought they were monsters or demons when I first saw their four faces on that album cover in the store. After hearing their music, I asked for & received the Love Gun vinyl single for a present.

My first concert 1976!

Player #130998363
Gene Simmons ' Mom was a make -up "artist" for an SS officer 's wife. His mom was a Jew from the camp. She stayed alive making this homely woman look good. Gene learned make-up techniques from her. He was a marketing genius. He had billboards put up saying "Kiss is coming" before any one who they were. Learned this on The Story Behind the Story with Mike Rowe.

just saw their "final" show last week

who guessed the Beatles

LoverNotAFighter, it wasn't the music.

Seen them in concert on tour with make-up and without. Great Show. Great band.

Player Diver Dan
They could have been a good band if only they'd concentrated on the music....

My husband is a HUGE fan...I just like Peter Criss' makeup...just kidding. Became a fan after listening to "the Disco song" 🤭

Many, many rock bands were formed in that place and time. It was an amazing time to be alive.

dressed up as Perer Criss for Halloween when i was a kid. Great band

Player #19472386
A really cool group.

Player #24358685
I wad never a fan, but I grew up then. Simmons was a vampire. , not a dragon. His letter to fans in Kiss Alive makes that clear.

Player #21861738
copied after The New York Dolls glam rock band before them.

Player Ejag, please don't forget great drummer Eric Carr..who died young. no drugs. sick heart..seen them live with Eric doing a great drummer solo..Charlotte nc

Player #9442102
Tabssc, do it!

Player #9442102
beatlesfan1, saw them twice.they have an awesome show.

Getting ready to see them a 2nd time in a couple of months. one of my fave bands of all time.

They guest starred in a movie with Scooby Doo. I try to introduce my kids to classic styles besides what they know now.

I saw KISS twice in concert back in the 70s! Rock&Roll will live FOREVER! ( Todd "Boot" Hill, Denver, Colorado)

HeyMindy, I dont think so, they have new york accents, not Detroit accents. You could be right though. Madonna is from Michigan and she wore alot of make-up. Mustard Plug is from Grand Rapids but they're a good band.

town01, as bad as aerosmith.

Player #556054
town01, I know rt

Zell. I am a female
i knew that one too. not so dumb after all. lol

Player #214988, Gene* Simmons.

, Detroit Rock City?

Wow, I thought they were earlier than that. Makes sense now, though!