Which signers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence later became United States presidents?
Correct answer: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Love learning about all our different presidents!

Player Meyer
All truly great men

Player #4250921
[bobbo16], Madison was a member of the Virginia legislature, only 25 years old at the time. He didn't play a role in drafting the Declaration of independence; instead he was preparing for an equally important role as "Father of the Constitution" just 11 years later.

Thomas Jefferson died just a few hours before John Adams. Both died on July 4th 1826 on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 5 years later on July 4th 1831 5th President James Monroe died on the 55th anniversary. Also 30th President Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4th.

Player #24358685
Player #18877936, Washington was busy with his forces in New York--unavailable to sign, according to Mount Vernon National Park.

Should also mention that Jefferson was primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Unheard of political writing at the time. People declaring their right to choose their leaders. How audacious!

Oh to have such calibre of men today!

Player #38253862
my family came over on the first boat. our country is beautiful!!! respect your brother!!

Player #19472386
good men for the job they did.

Bea’s mom, what flavor was the Koolaid?

Player #4250921
[bobbo16], Madison was a member of the Virginia latched legislator

Player #4250921
Same question repeated. Only this time I answered correctly.