How is 100 represented in Roman numerals?
Correct answer: C

Player Vincent
c = century =100

quicksilver, v = 5 because of the v formed between the thumb and palm. x = 10 because when bidding, people would clap once for 10, twice for 20 and so on. 50, forming the letter 'L' with the thumb at a right angle to the palm. 100, is 'Centum'. D = 500, which is Demi, or half (of 1000). M = 1000, as in millennium...

Rand Al'Thor
5th grade math for me. I have no idea why I had to learn that so young, but I know it good now lol

Player #25874027
Player #27756566,
I don’t think the Romans invented zero I believe that was the Arabs

After the explanation of symbols I’m still no wiser... I should teach myself once and for all!

Gold Biscuit
Arabic numerals are actually from India

Player #7719043, thank you, thank you, thank you. loriali

CuckooAnge, why

Player #15094731dibe
Rand Al'Thor, pity you did not learn English well. I know it WELL now LoL

Player Vincent, remembered this right after I made the wrong choice.

DeadlyLabyrinth41231, And what??

Rand Al'Thor, it was taught so it could be used in complex outlining

Player #909241, never learned my Roman numerals.