What is a polygraph better known as?
Correct answer: Lie detector

I got this wrong......I lied! 😉

Player Tystyx
If your ever asked to take this test?? Tell them "Only with my Attorney Present" during the whole procedure..... Watch how fast they regroup.😎

Player #14993519.
town01, Because it’s a blood pressure cuff. Haha. Be real people, no one or any man made machine can read a persons mind,,most serial killer s pass lie detector tests,,look it up. Ted Bundy, example,

I have no faith in these tests. my cousin lied his way through a couple of them. CIA trains agents to be able to lie their way through them. my cousin was not in the CIA btw.

Lie detectors aren't 100% accurate because if you truly believe you are telling the truth based on your interpretation, you will pass

Player #16071056
kyreeparkerhooks98, They serve an important role by helping to eliminating suspects. Normal folks. Professional liars, psychopaths, and a few mentalists will pass. Jill or Joe Average guilty person will not.

penawareof, invented by the guy that invented wonder woman

Player #21374632
lostiaz, its just mostly a blood pressure cuff,,it cannot read your mind,,if you can lie good, you relax and you will pass it ,, every one where i work had to be polygraphed, we worked with money, ,i was the only one who passed ,,i joked and told lies just trying to be funny really, ,,Boss was so proud of me,,

Poly means many, graph is write, so, to me, a polygraph is someone like Isaac Asimov who wrote about everything. But, what do I know.

All right children, who's next?? Haha... 😆

793, doh 🙄

Player #30869248
I believe that the results are not admissible in court

General knowledge fan
oops 😞 I should have known that what a numpty.

Giggle pig
Player #103085923, it Hass to be the US federal government.

Player #28173745
lostiaz, There's a lie detector in this world?!?!

based on sudo science however people can be fooled into telling the truth if they believe the test works.

Player #50853828
Player Tystyx, well

Sonny Vistan
This polygraph test is in need of an expert assistant to complete the task.

Player #18272158
I knw this bcz I watched money heist😁

Beauty ,the sterilizer
Player #10348520, how do u know

#Royal queen #2468
lostiaz, same with me

Player #14993519. , wait... So if you passed the test... But also acknowledged that most serial killers pass it.... 😱😱😱

Player #14993519.
Highschool Jim, Haha. At work every person had to take a polygraph test,,I was praised for being the only one who passed the test,,,and I played a game with it the whole time, said with a smile ,I have 5 children,,I had 2 only ,said, I wasn’t married, I was,,and on and on,,etc, passing with flying colors,

Player #14993519.
SuzyZabel, ,,,no. No

kyreeparkerhooks98, it's only a blood pressure cuff. it can't read your mind. lol

SuzyZabel, some serial killers passed these tests will flying colors..example .one.Ted Bundy.

Suzy Z
They should be

Player Tystyx
Player #10348520,

peter kilmartin
lostiaz, who doesn’t remember Homer Simpson on the polygraph, funniest ever!

Player Bob
Frito77, I am NOT the father!

town01, that would be testifying against yourself

Player #3912108
town01, that is why I would never take 1