In which country did The Battle of Passchendaele take place?
Correct answer: Belgium

I am a WW1 baby and a WW2 soldier. I'm thankful for my 100 years but the things I experienced in war have scarred me for life.

So many millions died, were maimed and injured, so many mothers and fathers and wives and brothers and sisters lost their loved ones ... and all for a few scraps of land. It was a horrific and senseless war.

Player #38291957
Centenarian, thank you for your service.

Centenarian, I'd love to hear your memories 1 day Sir. Please keep safe & stay awesome in all that you do

Arohanui, all war is horrific, but unfortunately some must be fought.

Was it? it freed europe.from tyrant, admittedly millions died, what is more finish and sensless, was that senior generals twenty or so miles from the front line, ordered sders over the top, with only ten minutes to go before the final ceasefire.

Stephanie.S., Treaties requiring mutual defense. It also didn't help that so many of those royals were related to each other.

Centenarian, you have lived through a lot of turbulent times! Thank you for your service!

VividPotion6704, all wars are horrific and senseless

Stephanie.S., Entangling alliances.

Centenarian, I understand what WW2 was about, and the story behind WW1, but have never understood why the assassination of the Royal family made everyone else decide to kill each other!