Who wrote the book "Unsafe at Any Speed"?
Correct answer: Ralph Nader

As a retired engineer from the automobile industry I can say without a doubt that our cars and trucks are saver as a result of NHTSA. They were, and are a thorn in the side of our business but ultimately a necessary one.

Player #9442102
[bobbo16], Ralph Nader was a good guy. He tried to protect consumers from all sorts of products that were un safe.

Player #1489294
I had a 64 Corvair....everybody who ever had one remembers it...and Ralph Naider..had a picture of a lemon on the side window!

Player #6852065
I remember he ran for President at one time.

tystyx, I drove a "66 Corvair. The exhaust & heat were combined. nearly asphyxiated me!

Nader’s book; Unsafe at any Speed was written specifically about the Chevrolet Corvair. Huge omission!

Player #16705178
Player #1489294, I now have a 1965 Corvair Monza. It’s a great fun little car and I’m still waiting for the rear axle to snap as Mr. Nader said they would.

persons. has to speak up for all of us or these companies would run amok. Ralph Nader wasn't afraid to tell it like it is no matter the consequences. bless him. he is still doing this. look what happened with Toyota. four people were killed because of carelessness.now I wouldn't buy a Toyota if you paid me.

Elsa Tawer
Ralph Nader of Lebanese descent 😬

Player #9442102
Player #1489294, my brother in law had a corvair.

a popular radio talk host.