Which group released the 1971 album L.A. WOMAN?
Correct answer: The Doors

Fantastic rock bio! Kudos to Val Kilmer for playing Jim Morrison.

Jen Hen
My all time favorite!!! Miss you Jim!

Summer maddness1968
Slickster, Riders on the Storm is very melodic love it, the Crystal Ship is also a very good one

Player #1135787
the best

Amazing band. And a transcendental front man.

Jim Morrison is my all time favorite...He was a true artist and way ahead of his time...

I've got two words for Mick Jagger...JIM MORRISON!!!

Player #15356356
Jim Morrison was so sexy and talented!

Cushmeister 2.0
Great album.

..have heard Jim Morrison wore the same pair of leather pants for over a year without washing them.. P.U.

It's not my favorite band .

Player #120374466
Don't like music under the influence of DRUGS. It really shows.

Jim Morrison had his share of demons, addiction is obvious, and was quite the pervert as well

celebration of the lizard.... is everyone in?, the celebration is about to begin, that is a long lost track, you don't hear on the radio, ever!

toothless beachrat
I grew up in Manhattan Beach, CA, in the 60's & 70's, the Doors practiced there. The location was a garage that was behind "Red's Little Store" on Rosecrans Ave. As kids we never knew that "Red" was the father of Ray Manzarek! Manzarek also dated the older sister of one of my friends. We used to go listen to them practice. You can find pictures on line of Jim Morrison hanging out in Manhattan Beach.

penawareof, val kilmer nailed it

Mars V
Mr Mojorisin!

scallywag, that's a Van morrison song. no relation .the doors had one called moonlight drive

Awesome band and I love The End

when all else falls you can whip the horses eyes

RedRobedRaistlin, I always thought they were from G. Britain Learn something new on this app all the time!

Player #47238209
Jim's poetry and the band's music got me through some rough times growing up. They are one of my favorite bands!

JimmyLovesQL, I agree. the movie was lacking substance and I really don't like val.

penawareof, I didn't like the movie. I don't think it showed his true self.

the American poet! my favorite band. I wish I could have seen them, but I was born in 69

The Best! That movie is phenomenal❣

One of my favorite bands of All time!

I was a kid back than, but, though so tunes was a great time to here! Still are...

peace frog and 5 to 1 my faves

My face 60s band.

Player #14993519.
penawareof, ,,you’re right,,loved Val , he did a great job

Another of my all time fave bands. I sure miss jim Morrison.

The Doors wrote and played awesome rock and roll. The movie made Morrison look like a flake.

Eckhar The Black Gen
penawareof, if he survived himself he’d be 76 years old and still performing